how much is full body liposuction

how much is full body liposuction

jerry is korean but grew up in germany ,turkey , and the united states. he came to renovo skin clinic to get non-surgical liposuction for the fat area under his chin. renovo skin clinic uses fda approved fat dissolving injections which use enzymes that are found naturally in the human body to break down fat cells. most patients experience visible changes within three to four treatments but even a single treatment can help. this treatment is for patients who have excess fat or bulges of fat but do not have huge amount of excess skin. the injection treatment takes only about 10 minutes and it's uncomfortable but not super painful . on a pain scale of one to ten most patients rated as a three four so it's manageable. as you have seen the process begins with the consultation with the doctor to determine if you are candidate for this procedure. a numbing cream is applied, you need to wait about 15 to 20 minutes for it to take effect

after the numbing cream has taken effect the area will be cleaned that the doctor will inject the fat dissolving injections into the needed areas. after the treatment the area maybe slightly swell and a bit sore but it's really not so bad and you won't have any downtime you're free to continue your normal routine afterwards. after just a few days the full results will become noticeable and you can get a second treatment if needed after one week. and added benefit of this treatment is that your jawline becomes more defined and the results improved over time the photo you see here was taken after the third treatment. in this photo you can see jerry undergoing the process during the first treatment. and the rest of the photos were taken after the third treatment. contact renovo skin clinic for a free consultation to find out if you are a candidate for fat dissolving injections or other treatments.

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