how much does liposuction

how much does liposuction

do fitness models get liposuction? that’s kind of the opposite of the fitnessideal, though it would explain many cases of weight loss. sometimes their before and after picturesare too incredible to believe without help. sometimes the weight loss products will lookfor normally fit and active people laid low by an injury and who gained a lot of weight.they take a picture of the fat person and a later one of the super-fit person. so it is a before and after photo, but ofsomeone whose default state is fit. and a photo from before the injury would looka lot like the after photo.

do you think fitness models get liposuction?they’re usually toned and fit without having had major weight loss stories. few fitness models were ever fat enough toneed liposuction. and the scars it leaves are visible if you wear as little as fitnessmodels are expected to wear. it can’t be worse than the breast implants. now women may get lipo for spot reduction,to tighten those areas exercise won’t. that’s especially true if she’s recovering herfigure but can’t get rid of the pooch left over after having the baby. i’ve heard that beauty treatments can betax deductible in the right situations. is

liposuction tax deductible if you’re a fitnessmodel? i can’t say. i have heard that breast implantsare sometimes tax deductible for exotic dancers. yeah, that was a 1988 case where someone inthe adult entertainment business could write off enhancements. but that doesn’t applyto fitness models. it logically could. or they might just get it done to improvetheir appearance, tax deduction or not. but it only works if they are discrete enoughto not be caught. noticeable lipo scars diminish the status of fitness model, reducing theperson to just a model.

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