
oh hello hey tell me honestly to these pants make my ass look too biga week maybe not big enough is a time for little ole butt cheekaugmentation are very little liposuction to take away these love handles at least and perhaps while i'm at a nice tummytuck you know i can't hurt even it all out but wait why should istop there since i'm a bit too lazy to work onthese packs perhaps some implants might be in order along with anice minor necklace mmm course i'm definitely gonna have todo something about this male pattern
baldness right what's that an eyebrow lift no don't know if i wanna look all alert allthe time rather i think what a finish of the plethora ofbo tox injections to tighten up these wrinkles you know though talks that chemicalnarrow toxin that temporarily paralyzes your nerves for the allusion youthfulness marshall aclue was once said the last thing a fish would never noticein its habitat
is the water likewise the most obviousand powerful realities of our human culture seemed also be the most unrecognized andit is only when we take pause often at the risk of social alienationto question the foundational principles and ideas to which our lives areoriented does a dark truth about are supposedlynormality become more clear school today we live in and ocean with enormous waves havestatus in session materialism vanity ego and consumerism our verylives have become to find
not fire productive thoughts socialcontributions and goodwill by a superficial delusional setupassociations with the very fabric of our society nowradiates with cheap romanticism connected to van competition conspicuousconsumption and moronic addictions often related tophysical beauty status and superficial well ships in effect social conformity masquerade as individuals with the virtues abalance intelligence he's public health in true creativityleft to rot on the sidelines
the cultural water we inhabit today runsdeep with heavy pollution it starts our formative years were to besmart in achieving is to be interviewed we ricky withsocial praise instead relegated to those accepted appearance wealth in my list braun reinforcing theidea that the think no one challenged is to beridiculed ball to uphold the status quo conform tothe ideals imposed by society is to be rewardedmeans at what point does thatmulti-billionaire with the five mansions
go from being a peak iconic culturallyaccepted success to an example of a severe mentaldisorder amounting to compulsive addiction infact with the billionaire is revealed as nothing more than a socialabomination disguise by the decision to ford such excessivelevels problem-solving wealth for no otherutility the mir ego status but then again we can't be too hard on them right forwhat they're doing is simply what they've been taught homejust as the religions you believe for
the gaming strategies you use forsurvival are groomed and cultivated by the environmental conditions your existence so are that many otherwaves and influence in this ocean is means that comprise thezeitgeist at the time so maybe we should start to questionwhat it is we're actually trying to accomplish rather than complain and look at thesocial normality is a progress and success as they exist and i don't know about youi'm beginning to suspect that the new
commercial lifestyle that has beentouted by economists and historians as some more baller human socialdevelopment is actually a even former retardation and unseen manifest value distortion that is making us sick antisocialincreasingly vein ecologically and different andperhaps perhaps more and more valuable forcontrolling factions of our society itself maybe just maybe our modern cultural strives forso-called success itself are in fact
not symptoms social progress at all but symptoms have a culture in decline good a new diseases struck america rapidlymoving across the world a disease largely unknown in earlier periodsalmost entirely unnoticed by those who carry it the disease spread not by a physicalvirus or genetic predisposition but through cultural means ideas ideas which are in fact infecting minesgrowing in you taking in various strains
inhibiting the mental well-being havemany it's called cvd consumption vanity the store it's aplague modern society which not only pollutes mines in values are those infected isalso turning our world into a cesspool many moles and self-image disorderswasteful materialism and belligerent social transgressions soi've been working with these girls for a few years now what many don't know about cvd is there may be some strainsor mutations have occurred these women here suffer from hgs
for how girls under so i see we have a a few new faces here wouldanyone like to introduce themselves i'm i moved to los angeles a coupleyears ago and i i started noticing your changeshappening in my body my life hurts are getting shorter andshorter and our started spending more and moreon cosmetics heels cheap jewelry and the boat auctions action star
him and i just couldn't stop my lips got more and more pouty and up by the second or third but iargumentation i was ripping dvd rear and a america's next top model and extrememakeover 24 /7 dating one hot football star douchebagafter the other and the next thing i knew i was on the coverof vogue
okay honey who's on the cover ok too if we go back to the early 20th centurywe find a critical crossroad for industry where the rapid technologicaladvancement was going to challenge the most basic foundation of traditionaleconomics and hence social operation you see atthe core of our socio-economic system is labor candyman get out product demand ofcourse there is no need for production
or employment and without employment the workingpublic draws no income or purchasing power to buy the goods that keep the economygoing early in the nineteen hundreds a powerful expansion of productivitythrough machine applications and mechanization brought aboutsomething industry really hadn't seen before a good surplus in 1927 article innation's business conducting an interview with the inn atlabor secretary james davis stated
it may be that the world's needsultimately will be produced by three days work a week years later engineer r buckminsterfuller describe the phenomenon as being able to accomplish more with less in that the energy manpowerand resources needed to accomplish particular goals wasactually decreasing while the accomplishments themselveswere accelerated in other words industry was becomingmore technically efficient however pre 20th century america andwestern society in general
maintain an ethical beams frugal overall there was a conservative ethos workerswere obtained for their utility a culture it needs not excessive wantsand most people really didn't see the need to increase their consumption simply because they could so the rulingindustrialists and social planners had a choice at this point either the system was to be adapted tothis new more with less to productivity which could mean a rise and leisure timea shortening of the work week an adjustment to pay scales and goodvalues to reflect this newfound
abundance as need be now or something moredramatic had happened the very underlying values andaffections love the culture would need to be altered where the veryidea as consuming became a utility in and of itself toconsume for the sake of consuming in order to maintain the status quo wellneedless to say given the very nature a capitalist philosophy the latter what's up alright it
well newest to say given the very natureof capitalist philosophy the latter idea was deemed to be theonly rational option the current ruling fa cup everincreasing profit gain by industry could not be compromised so thealternative idea the working toward an abundance to meethuman needs enabling perhaps a level of personal freedom never-before-seen maybe even flourish in a new periodenlightenment for human existence was rapidly cock blocked by theinterests of the ownership class in the world you see around you forever-increasing bullshit
vanity materialism waste deadlocked wageslaves conflict and impulsive mindlessconsumption has been the result the holiday shoppingseason got off to a violent start a temporary walmart worker was trampledto death by shoppers eager for post thanksgiving bargains mad dash inform our hearts or notshoppers to the ground near grand rapids michigan five in the morning despite severalpeople falling to the ground shoppers charged ahead
go another in today here 28-year-old right is not to the ground but its same routewitnesses here at the scene said that one asshole suffered a miscarriage and then some shots rang out inside is proud twice too want great shoppers is actually happenwith pepper spray meanwhile those who more of his deathcensus equity and use just to buy some for finei'll say files a
excimer did this guy how long they'vebeen out here i've been out here i am. three-day in your own words what bringsyou here tv's like it was dl what they wanted a ipad adelaide the sums up but whathappened was that they don't sell on that half price that's too bad it's a lot of pushing andshoving happens in the stores i've ever seen some stuff on the news have youever had that experience before i not on black friday as a music concertbut
i know how i feel so unprepared you're apush people back free much what do you think it's kind oflike impulses sort of consumerism that it's really forceful sometimes and ifeel like it's gonna be a lot of stress very funny meet betty furness he is considered thefather of modern advertise most famous for turning thelargely at ford word propaganda into the fluffy warmeuphemism public relations for days haphazardlytook popular ideas from forty in psychoanalysis
and began to apply them to advertisingcampaigns the idea was simple: lean can exploitthe very primitive social urges common the most humans such as sexuality in status to a product is so much longer than lastyear it is nearly four inches longer and somemodels 0 ha goods were to become less relevant intheir utility and more of a symbol representing one'sidentity or individualism effectively turning mere wants intoemotional needs
blaze was a response to a growing callby industrial leaders to reprogram society and create a new consumer culturecharles kettering director general motors in 1929 wrote to the need to keep the consumerdissatisfied wall street banker paul maser said wemust shift america from a needs to a desiresculture people must be trained to desire tolaunch sainz even before the old have been entirelyconsumed we must shape a new mentality
in america and it worked technological innovationin radio and television help to further this and by a saturationcampaign throughout american society which quickly spread across the worldadvertising no longer was about describing say the function of a goodand its inherent integrity was now about social manipulationcreating inferiority shame guilt and false problems that could only beresolved by submission purchase over a year lifespan we watch 15 and a half years in television on average 15 and ihave a years having our brains liquefied
and sodomized zombified and then glorifying productsand nonsense and that screws with us becauseadvertisements are assholes their assholes i'm active advertise orjust a regular guy walking up the on this story just got hacked hey you pay hey if youare these days and the hot girl really do you i mean like hot girls not thatugly brought you call a girlfriend and by the way could you mentioned her that she needs to lose a little weightand do something about her hair and she
could do it ok if you did you these dietpills in this hair gel and by the way both you guys shouldprobably be smoking the cigarette and drinking this beer then you'd be reallycool although your teeth are looking a littleyella but we can fix that if you just use that road widening shitand then the hot girls really do your and by the way are you happy with your brain is sizedif you are that's cool a lot a geyser are happy with up on size that would youcall that fun size lotta girls like that i mean i haven't met anybody but thereare some
but if you change your mind all you haveto do is take a couple if these babies and soon you would have to call up guysto help you carry your junk around like a train on a wedding dress but how you gonna call you john carrierswith a crappy phone you got there you should be using this phone with thiswhy people should technology make other people feel like they're better than you just by owning this phone and they arethey are better than you home i got all this stuff you need anddon't have is making me anxious is it making you anxious is it is it isit are you anxious now
are you are you up are you well then allyou have to do is take a couple movies in in two weeks time you would feel better than anythingwhat's bonus side effect these bills also make your ass hairshiny and more manageable with extra bounce anyway i gotta go out with yourgirlfriend just as i did you look pretty good vintage dress in i gotta turn that around quick beforeshe stopped taking ambien prozac cocktail i gave her
an then she'll stop shoppingcontinuously in order to fill the void created by self-hatred created by me would you hang out withtheir guy on you see at the court advertising isthe exploitation navarrete deep social nature it turns the impasse thick community identification into a weaponexternal judgment relative in security in fact some yearsback a multi-year study where western television was broughtinto a culture which had never experienced it before
was conducted on the island of fiji bythe end of the observation period the effect materialistic values invanity took a powerful toll a relevantpercentages: young women for example who prior had embraced the stylishhealthy weight in full features became obsessed with being thin eatingdisorders which were virtually unheard of in thisculture began to spread and women specifically were transformedbut let's return to our history lesson this vanity materialism and obsessiveconsumption the rosies as powerful as it is
was not quite enough to ensure thestability to the capitalist religion and the ongoing benefits to theownership class priests the engineering have consent throughadvertising a somewhat a technological age brought anothernasty problems business increased product efficiency not onlywas production moving faster than traditional consumption the actual quality at individual goodswere increasing as well due to scientific advancements in designmaking needed repeat purchases increasingly less common well this wasno good
remember the core driver as labor profitin consumption tense the core driver of our economy ingeneral is scarcity and inefficiency in fact the enemy themarket economy has always been competency and the betterand long-lasting a good is the worse it is for industry so thewater broke and planned obsolescence was born in 1932 industrialist bernard londonpropagated a pamphlet entitled ending the depression through plannedobsolescence where the idea universally making poor goods togenerate more labor demand and growth
seemed logical some even wanted to makeit mandatory for all industries legally where life cycles were decidednot by the natural state of technological ability but by the mere ongoing me for labor and increased consumption in fact themost notable historical example if this period was the phoebus labeled cartel the 1930s we're in a time where light bulbs wereable to last up to about 25,000 howard's the cartel forced each company torestrict labeled life
to a mere 1000 hours to assure repeatpurchases and in time this eventually became astrategic approach for all industries but if you to sit downand compare the true efficiency possible today to what we're actually doing to keep hiswaist and deprivation machine going you would puke in your soup at the lostpossibilities in the final component to note hererelates to the problem purchasing power itself a fail-safe was needed to ensuremonetary circulation in so-called grow
things even if the purchasing parties didn'thave it well welcome to credit expansion creditaccess has been in reality the core driver a economicgrowth in the west for a very long time and a quick glance at the private inpublic debt today globally shows that it is not ananomaly for a person or country to live far beyond its financial meansit is indeed the set fashion the amount of debtexisting globally today far exceeds the entire global money supply itself
and it has been this borrowing fromnowhere that has compensated for the inherentlimits unemployment and wages however as bothersome resolve this may seem with respect ecological irresponsibility and culturalneuroses the rabbit hole runs deeper we oftenforget that the undercurrent last couple thousand years has been that some in ourspecies are apparently more deserving than others and the slavery exploitation and assuredepravation have one group for the advantage another was consideredsome law of nature
during feudalism in the middle agessocial divisions were clearly defined with the king and his nobles in barron'sx era holding control love the legion ofservice who are essentially slaves in exchange for basic resources and moderate protection a common themeduring this period was that a genetic or religious superiority in the key news inhis constituents gave them the right to dominate howeveras feudalism instead the state monopoly mercantilismand then in the open market capitalism the view of the average peasant laborpoor working class wage slave as they
exist today mutated to wear whatever minorprotections existed prior was removed to support a doctrine whereif a person is not able to obtain work in the marketeconomy their right to life for mere existence is completely without security adamsmith david ricardo and thomas balthus andother pivotal figures at the dawn of modern capitalism make it very clear that the system theyadvocate is not for everyone
it isn't as though they actually wantedit that way they were nazis or anything but when you consider the scarcitydriven world which they lived it did seem natural enough adam smithobserving the nature of the social order defined by property relations stated civil government so far as it isinstituted for the security of property is inreality instituted for the defense up the rich against thepoor or those who have some property againstthose who have known it all david ricardobuilding on smith's
invisible hand pseudo darwinist takeviewers market survival extend the notion to where theinevitable poverty and deprivation at the poor was to be a societal of nature likegravity with him all this going so far to saythat you only do harm to the poor by trying to help them he stated insteadof recommending cleanliness to the poor we should encourage contrary hadas in our towns we should make the streetsnarrower crowd more people into the houses
in court the return of the plague goodof course many here in such rhetoric today naturally react in apprehension not understanding the source of suchcold perspectives again if we went back to pre-industrialeurope and witness the vast imbalance scarcity in poverty perhaps in fact dueto population outpacing production capacity yourintuition might draw the conclusion that the carrying capacity of the landsimply can handle the current population you might alsothen come up with some very convenient justifications
as to why some are to live and prosperand some rd died be deprived why some deserve agreat deal about wealth and honour it well others must be condemneddestitution and subsystems so it is very easy to seehow this classes has held strong even though itscounterparts racism and sexism slowly subsided in modern culture todayall economic schools of thought from kansian to austrian support a will love the market theme where your valueis measured not by the fact that you exist as a human being
but by the place you hold or don't hold in the economic machine consider thisquote by ricardo by gradually contracting the sphere ofthe for lawns by impressing on the poor the value ofindependence by teaching them that they must not look to systematic will cause or charity but to their ownexertions for sport that prudence and forethought areneither unnecessary nor unprofitable virtues we shall by degreesapproach a sounder and more healthful state
you see the myth love this system isthat people get what they work for as though it's a level playing field asthough the competitive nature doesn't inherently breed corruption 0 and bob what you doing here so a couple should have peter josephstalin few people this episode with call this an people work at andfreedom here over here doesn't seem to want to stay is a poor are fucking stupid their stupid in lazy to get what theydeserve alright
i'm so sick given any state company in ataxi my hard earned trust fund so the screenings can go and live it upwith their lottery tickets and their malt liquor for sorry bob you're right put it back in his cage now it is atthis point you might be asking what does any of this have to do withconsumerism well if you understand the traditional ethos a market capitalismand how refuses to accept the possibility oftaking care everyone couple with the resulting delusion thatthose who are due and to benefit the
most must be smarter and more worthyexistence than others as though it some law of nature the roleof consumer culture today takes on a very different purpose it exists as a powerful means of socialcontrol and maintaining the status quo haveclass division and subjugation it helps perpetuate a trend that hasbeen around for a long time since the age of ordain canes who are destined to rule over andexploit the week masses
you see the individualistic materialselfishness glorified today not only perfectly accentuate theclassic economic values a ricardo and smith it also reinforces modern neoliberalism where that you are detached independentnarrow self-interest and narcissism is held as deeply sacred well anyattempt at working towards a broad social consideration working towards acommunity environment is heretical simultaneously compoundsclass division since the consumer has created an abstract sense ofcompetition status
were to have more than others is equatedto success suddenly one percent of the populationowning forty percent of the planet's wealth is even more vindicated along with howone can step over homeless people on the street and assume that they must be that waybecause if their own lacquer finish you did laziness for general inferiority modernconsumer culture the consumer vanity disease ensures thatthe public remain distracted
and at war with itself it insures thatprofits from these wasteful and unnecessary purchases driven by emotion or dissatisfactionwill continue to perpetuate and justified the wealthy elite andinsures that the poor and miserable of the world will be kept in their place becauseguess what it must be some law of nature final thoughts likely the most hijackingdelusional concept in the world today is that of freedom skin the politicalpoetics historically a win from a
general interest to ensure quality oflife remove oppression relief to a marketinggimmick to sell you things you don't need to ensure the integrity up an inherentlyelitist corrupt political economy i don't know about you but i reallydon't give much of a shit about how many different kinds a toothpaste deodorant i can choose from a grocery store whilei'm given simultaneously the farce choice between two politicians clearlyhave the same brief in election your i really don't caremuch for the freedom of being able to
concoct say f ground a white mocha double expressonon-fat steamed milk stir done sweden caffeine free jerk me off slap my asslot a with extra whip at starbucks you see the best form ofsocial controls the kind where the illusion of choice actually persists any consumer vanity in session rampantacross the world now embodies the new former democracy get about the oligarchy plutocracy thatcontinues to rule destroy the world just focus on the rich celebrities onthe cover that goods catalog
masquerading as a literary magazineforget about how financial and monetary gain is a measure success and howarddelusional it really is for the psychological phenomenon relativedeprivation shown that having more more luxury often does not make you happy only moreneurotic in secure an anti-social you forgetabout the ever increasing use an antidepressant another mental healthdisorders at the merced around our materialssociety and do it many do instead
go shopping today the actor shoppingreally has become a former therapy for people with your payingattention an artificial means to feel better about one cell and forget about the reality that thegreatest live behind the political system is that there can exist politicalequality in the wake of perpetual economic inequality he the fact is the toxic condition thatwe've created around this new materialistic
freedom is at the root vast waz not believe the earth's resources butthe vast ways no human potential and human integrityand sun the more you own the more your own and as an aside everyone's beautifulmiss me but a sorry german wake my pedicure so until next time keep those eyes gluedto the worst yet greatest reality show of all time my name is peter joseph and i like you
and agency victim other culture indecline so given the trials you no experience inyour day-to-day coping with this disease how has itaffected your livelihood when we start with you what are youdoing for work much porn stick to a secret model porn movie tomado sworn guess 10 ston american apparel model okay porn
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