would liposuction my insulin resistance

would liposuction my insulin resistance

it is easy to help fight cancer if i'm only helping one person. doctors have not given her a stage to diagnosis. they say they want her to focus on getting better. new tonight, regardless of how much you diet and exercise, fat can be stubborn, especially

when it comes to certain problem areas, shall we say. but, cbs2's dr. max gomez has details on a new injection that is believed to simply melt the fat. i had a muffin top that went over my pants. consider liposuction?

know. i was afraid of it. reporter: and i was not afraid of a little needle, which is why she agreed to take part in a clinical trial testing a new injection that can break up pockets of fat using a naturally occurring

enzyme called collangenese. until now, liposuction has been the only option for removing excess fat underneath the skin. but, just a week after the injection, she says her muffin top was gone. just melted away?

yes. amazing. reporter: researchers have found collagenese works by dissolving the connection between fat cells which breaks them up. long island plastic surgeon is conducting the collagenese

trial. the body cleans up whatever is left. the fat is actually absorbed and broken down by the body. research by dr. garrett and an investigator at vanderbilt university will lead to a phase 3 clinical trial that the fda

will use to consider approving collagenese for the treatment of benign fatty tumors, known as lipomas. there is a small but definite number of people that have a tremendous number of these lipomas. i have three in my rib cage.

reporter: arthur has had as many as 34 lipomas, many of which he has had to have surgically removed. it has to do with a fair number of scars. scars, yes. reporter: now, dr. garrett is turning his attention to

betty trouble zones like the stomach and thighs. it does not matter how much i workout or diet, there is just a little bit of deposit that would not go away. reporter: to see if collagenese works to melt this fat the same way that it does

lipomas. if you can melt fat inside the little capsule meaning lipomas, you can melt fat anywhere in the body. reporter: collagenese is fda approved to treat a condition where tissue in the palm of a hand hardens and

contracts. so, the enzyme could be used off label to melt fat. but, it would be very expensive. we'll see what it costs if it gets approved for cosmetic purposes. dr. max gomez, cbs2 news.


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