what is a liposuction

what is a liposuction

in this clip, we'll be talking about a procedure,known as liposuction. liposuction also is known as suction assisted lipolysis, and whatliposuction is, is a procedure to remove fatty areas of the body, all over the body, thathave not responded to diet and exercise. and this is done through very small incisionsin the body, on the skin, and then using a small tube or canula, which is placed intothe fatty layer, and then attached to a suction machine, and withdrawn back and forth, verycarefully by the surgeon, in order to shape areas of excess fat, by carefully removingthe appropriate amount of fat from each area, and then assessing, looking to see that theshape is proper, and what has been removed is proper, and then moving on to the nextarea, in order to improve the contour or shape

of any person that's appropriate for the procedure,and pretty much every area of the body.

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