vitamin k after liposuction

vitamin k after liposuction

hello, my name’s adrian richards, i’ma consultant plastic surgeon and i’m the surgical director of aurora clinics whichis a company based in the uk. so what i’m going to talk about today is recovery fromgynacomastia surgery. in previous videos, i’ve talked about the causes of gynacomastiaand the different surgical options for it. today i’m going to talk about the actualprocess. so normally, what we’d like to do is meet you during pre-operative consultation,we need to go through what’s involved with you, discuss the options, show you some photos,give you lots of information about the procedure. then if you have the procedure, the procedureis formed normally under a general anaesthetic, liposuction can be performed under sedation,twilight anaesthesia if you’d like but normally

under a light general anaesthetic. i findit more comfortable for everyone. normally with a one night’s stay in hospital althoughsome people like to go home that night. so you can go home that night or you can staythe next day. liposuction takes about an hour and a half, excision techniques take a bitlonger, two and a half hours. you wake up nice and gently, very important with any cosmeticoperation to wake up very slowly and again, very important, i work very closely with theanaesthetist who is very good at reducing nausea and sickness. so really you shouldfeel fine straight after the operation, normally we like you eating and drinking and mobilisingstraight away, so that’s up and about. it’s very important with this form of surgerythat we get good compression on the area to

limit swelling because after any operation,liposuction and cutting operations, you will get swelling, the body basically brings waterto the area which causes swelling. so we can reduce that with compression. so we fit youwith a compression garment which is almost like a vest with a zip up the front whichcompresses the front of the area. we like you to wear that probably for a minimum reallyof three weeks because it speeds up the resolution of the swelling, gives you a much flatterand better result earlier. bruising can occur and we would encourage you to massage thebruised areas either with arnica cream or a special cream that we’ve got in the clinic,which is based on vitamin k, called oraderm. swelling and particularly bruising are veryvariable, you may bruise more one side than

the other, you may be more swollen on oneside than the other, that’s relatively normal. we like the compression garment on. if it’sliposuction, studies have shown that the incisions actually heal better when left to sort ofcontract on their own, rather than being stitched because when they’re stitched, often youcan get those sort of stitch marks either side of where the entry sites are. so we leavethose to heal on their own, normally heal like little red marks, like a little red mole.scars around the nipple we need to be very careful with, we like to support those withtape and the reason for that is the tape sort of splints the incision so there’s no tensionpulling the skin apart because if there’s tension on a wound, the body’s reactionis to make more scarring. the body sort of

feels that the scar’s been pulled apart,it heaps up more scarring and makes a lumpier scar so the tape really helps.when are you going to see the effects? well you’ll see the effect pretty much straightaway, you will have some swelling but it’s going to take really two to three months,it’s quite a long time, for all the swelling to go down or the scarring to go down. thescarring continues to improve over years and the body’s going to be constantly remodellingthe scars and making them flatter and paler. so you’ll notice a difference straight butreally for the full effect, you need to wait, as i said, two to three months and it’sgoing to continue getting better following that. the question i’m asked is followinggynacomastia surgery, if i put on weight,

will it come back and the answer is no, notnormally. the reason is we’ve removed most of the fat cells and with time, when you puton weight, you don’t get more fat cells, the fat cells you’ve got just swell. sowe’ve removed two thirds of the fat cells, there’s only a third of the fat cells leftto swell up so you won’t tend to put weight on there, you’ll tend to put it on at otherplaces. so i hope that’s been informative, if youwould like any more information about gynacomastia or any types of surgery, please contact useither via email or contacting us via the aurora clinic’s website which is just phone us up on a uk number 01844 214362 and one of our surgeons will be happy to discussany aspect of this form of surgery with you.

so thank you very much for listening and watchingthe video and we hope to see you soon.

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