ultra z assisted liposuction

ultra z assisted liposuction

[no dialogue]. good evening everybody. my name is margaretand this is team two. this is shantiand she is sowmya. we have a membermissing roja who completed her presentation last week. most of you were not present,but our topic for today is liposuction, andshe gave the introduction and the history last week.

so we will continueour presentation today, starting with shanti. i am going to explain theprocedure for liposuction. extra skin and fat tissuesin different areas of the body leads to deformity in the shapeof the body, so liposuction is a procedure that can helpto sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specificareas, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees,upper arms, and neck. during the past decade,this liposuction was called

lipoplasty or suction lipectomy. it has benefited fromseveral new refinements. today a number of new techniquesincluding ultrasound assisted lipoplasty, the tumescenttechnique, and the super wet technique are helping manyplastic surgeons to provide selected patientswith more precise results and quicker recovery times. today, techniques are goingto be explained by margaret, and the candidate forliposuction would be a normal

weight with firm, elastic skinwho have pockets of excess fat in certain areas. the patient should be physicallyhealthy and psychologically stable and realisticin their expectations. patient age is not at allconsidered, but when compared to the results for older peoplebecause old people usually have diminished elastic skin, sotheir results are not the same as younger patients. liposuction carries thegreatest risk for individuals

with medical problems suchas diabetes, significant heart or lung diseases, poor bloodcirculation, or those who have recently had surgery nearthe area to be controlled. and the type of anesthesiaused for liposuction. there are three types ofanesthesia used for liposuction. one is local anesthesia. the second one isregional anesthesia. the third one isgeneral anesthesia. local anesthesia numbsonly the affected area.

the smaller parts are injectedfor this type of anesthesia. the regional anesthesia isused for extensive procedures. normally, the anesthesiaused for regional parts are epidural block, which iscommonly used for childbirth and the last isgeneral anesthesia. this is used for a largervolume of fat is being removed. the surgery procedure. the surgery dependsupon the size of the area to be lipoplasty.

the amount of fat that isbeing removed and the type of anesthesia andthe technique used. there are several liposuctiontechniques that can be used to improve the ease of procedureand enhance the outcome. liposuction procedure surgery isdone through a tiny insertion. a narrow tube or a candularis inserted and used to vacuum the fat layer that liesdeep beneath the skin. the candular is pushed in andpulled out of the skin to vacuum fat layers which isdeposited beneath the skin.

then the fat tissuesare suctioned with the help of large syringesand vacuum pumps. fluid is lost along withthe fat, and it is crucial that this fluid be replaced duringthe procedure to prevent shock. and the next part isgoing to be by margaret. thank you. i'd like to discussabout the techniques involved in liposuction. there are several techniques,some are being abandoned

because of failures. some are being usedextensively by surgeons. the first technique isthe tumescent liposuction. tumescent means swollen or firm. the word itself shows uswhat this kind of technique is. in here, the affected isinjected with anesthesia. it's locally anesthesized,and when the area is swollen and firm, the excess fatis removed using incisions. incisions are created, andmetal probes are used to remove

the excess fat. lots and lots of blood is lostwhen liposuction is carried out. an advantage of tumescentliposuction is that it provides local anesthesia and it providesfluids to the body which occurs during the surgery. the next techniqueis dry/wet technique. this technique has beenabandoned by surgeons because there isexcessive blood loss. there is also a high deathrate when surgeons had opted

for dry/wet techniques. dry technique is onewherein anesthesia is not used. because of this there isexcessive loss of blood, and it results in thedeath of the patient. wet technique is wherein 15%to 20% of the local anesthesia is used and yet ithas a lot of blood loss. the next technique would bethe super wet technique wherein it requires theinjection of a volume of diluted local anesthesia.

this is greater than thetumescent technique but has a significant lossof the wet technique. ultrasonic assisted liposuctionwhich is the next liposuction has two sub-lipos in it. one is the internal ultrasonicand the external ultrasonic. internal ultrasonicassisted liposuction is where a long metal probe, which maybe solid or hollow is inserted into fat througha large incision. it sounds scary.

external liposuction iswherein--external liposuction causes burns becausethere is a metal paddle applied to the skin and directsultrasonic energy into the fat. this causes burns to the skin,and it takes a lot of time to cure the burns. next one is the power assistedtechniques wherein these power assisted techniqueshave been recently available and here power is suppliedusing an electric motor or compressed air to produceeither a rapid in and out

movement or a spinningrotation of an attached liposuction candelar. the surgeons are stillskeptical about this technique, and it hasn't beenapproved as of yet. the laser liposuction, which iswidely used by surgeons is one technique which helps decreaseblood flow which helps decrease destruction of thefat tissue and swelling. usually, in the traditionalliposuction, there is no accuracy while thearea is being contoured.

so, laser liposuction isbeing widely used if you can check our video. did that look scary? alright, and the recovery ofliposuction may not be clear until 6 months after surgery. though the person willbe able to walk immediately after surgery, gettingback to routine, work, and lifting weights and theswelling to heal, et cetera, would take like 6 months or so.

the advantages and disadvantageswill be continued by sowmya. my part is aboutadvantages and disadvantages. there are very few advantageswhen compared to disadvantages. the advantages are that itprovides physical and mental relief by removing excessfat in some areas in the body. it increases the confidencelevel and removes mental stress created by others. it looks better than earlierand gives physical appearance within the limits oftechnology and body type.

the disadvantagesare liposuction pricing, fees, and cost. it depends on many factorssuch as the type of technique you employ, the number of areassunctioned, and the amount of fat removed. according to my knowledge,i feel that an ordinary person cannot apply thistype of technique. some doctors also prescribeadditional post-operative care such as ultrasound and massage.

extra skin and need for lift,removing a large amount of fat at once may result in loose skinand stretch marks, depending on the type of skin, dependingon the elasticity of the skin. patients with stretch marks andolder patients will end up with more loose skins,when applied this technique. contour irregularities, lumps,bumps, asymetry, and irregular contours are the most unwantedresults of liposuction surgery. infection after liposuction,infections may result which are mild or severe.

doctors prescribe to take anti-biotics to prevent infections. signs for the infectionsare redness, [unclear audio], a high fever, chills, and redstreaks visible on the skin. swelling after liposuction,swelling may occur for a few weeks or months dependingon the type of technique you applied and the elasticityof the skin, causing pressure on the nerves which resultsin the numbness and tingling. burns from ultrasonicliposuction, when the patients employ this type of technique,it may result in burns

on the skin. one can reduce this risk by notoperating too close to the skin. there are a few moredisadvantages such as organ damage to injury, permanentembolism, fluid imbalance, and even liposuctionmay result in death. there is a belief that onecannot gain weight if they are subjected to liposuction, buti feel that one can still gain weight if they cannotmaintain proper diet and physical activitieslike exercise and so on.

any queries? [unclear audio]. [audience applause]. (female speaker). [unclear audio]. i was just wondering if the new method was cheaper than the older method. (margaret).it all depends. if it is just a small areathen it would cost less. but laser is expensive comparedto the previous techniques

because it has advantagescompared to the previous traditional techniques,so it does cost high. (sowmya).it also depends on the section part and howmany times you are going to get the treatment. (margaret).each area you are going to get your liposuction done,it would at least take three times treatment,you know, three times, three doses, or whatever.

(dr. wahby). any other questions? questions? (male speaker). you said there were many disadvantages than advantages, then why are you going to implement this type of technology? (sowmya).i just want to inform you that there are stilldisadvantages that don't go for this type of technique. you may, this mayresult in death.

(male speaker). then why are you going to implement this type of technique? (sowmya).i just want to inform you. (margaret).there are people who prefer looking good, ratherthan worrying about money or anything else. there are people who want tolook good, want to be fit again, who are unable to lose fat. is that it?

(dr. wahby).other questions? i have just a question aboutsuppose they have extra fat here and you want to go equallyright around the arms. you can't go halfwayand stop, right? you have to go all the waythe same thickness because you don't wantto have something, no ripple effect, right? (margaret).that is the reason why in traditional techniques afterliposuction you have to go

through a surgery wherein theydo operate on the entire region to make it equal tosee that it doesn't sag, the skin doesn't sagand then look bad. but in laser technique, what theadvantage is while you are going through the liposuction itself,it even operates the underlying skin which adjusts theentire look and makes it even throughout. (dr. wahby). how would you control or guarantee that it would just burn the fat,

not the skin or deeper? (sowmya).i think the surgeons guarantee that. (dr. wahby). thank you very much. (sowmya).you are welcome, thank you.

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