mens stomach liposuction cost

mens stomach liposuction cost

liposuction is a topic that i frequently getasked about and specifically patients come askingfor reduction in fat in particular areas ofthe body, and for those patients liposuction works really well most people are familiar with the concept of liposuction. the ideas is really to remove some of the fat cells in areas that are a little bit bigger where you'd like a little bit of volume reduction. best candidates forliposuction are patients who are overall quite fit and really havespecific problem areas where they would like to reduce the volume a little bit

liposuction actually isn't really used for general overall weight loss. i occasionally have a patientwho comes, and is a little overweight and would like me to sort of reduce themoverall and liposuction unfortunately isn'treally a great choice for that. for that, really the best choice is diet andexercise. for patients who have gone through diet and exercisewhere everything looks fit but there's just onearea lets say the abdominal flank areas or just the upper or lower abdomen where theyreally can't can't get much improvement, liposuction is a great choice for these addition,

liposuction by virtue of what we're doing isreally reducing the fat in the area, it's really used for areaswhere there's no extra skin, so if people have excess skin that's sagging, for those people typically there'sa different surgical procedure either tummy tuck if it's the abdomen or another associated surgical procedure. the procedure itself is straightforward. it's basically done in two steps. the firststep is to insert into the area of liposuction this tumescent fluidand that fluid is a

combination of a painkiller to make itmore comfortable for the patient as well as what's called a vasoconstrictive agent which is an agent used to shrink the bloodvessels to ensure that there's less bruising. that's what i typically use andthen afterwards giving this time to take effect then really going with the liposuction cannula, which is sort of like a metal straw and then slowly and carefullytaking out the fat cells the trick in liposuction and the important part liposuction in terms of surgical technique

is to really try to get a nice reduction ofwhere the ultimate goal is very smooth andlooks natural with the rest the body. you don't want to take too much fat out of one area andhave it be out of harmony or out of sync with the rest thebody. at the same time you don't want to take out too much fat such that there are any irregularitiesin the skin and i think that typically as with most aspects of plastic surgery, if you are conservative with your goals andconservative in their execution of the surgery the results could be quite nice. post operatively, patients do have a lot of

dressings on them. i have myliposuction patients wear a compression garment afterward. it's basicallysomething that i have them wear that's quite tight and the idea is to really push on theskin so that the skin will kind of shrink wrap a little bitover the the smaller volume what we don't want is for the fat cells to beremoved and the skin to just sag because it's not as filled up now wewant the skin to actually contract and kind of shrink wrap around it, and the compression garment is very good for helping that i have patients wear the compression garment reallyalmost all the time the first two weeks and then as much as theycan for the first six weeks

after that, the body does continue to remodel and the results continue to improve. overall i think that patients afterliposuction i encourage them after the surgery to usethat sort of as a kickstart to resume good diet and exercise

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