meaning of liposuction

meaning of liposuction

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel superhourglass. today we are going to discuss: how to preventseromas after plastic surgery. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know for you to get the hourglass shape you’ve always wanted. welcome back! seroma is a term used to describe a localized fluid collection at the surgical site. typically, seromas occur in any plastic surgery procedure where liposuction is performed and/or when excess skin is removed, creating a potential space for fluid to accumulate. during surgery, the body reacts by releasing hormones that promote fluid and swelling

in specific surgical sites. seromas are very common after surgery. the problem is how it is defined in different studies. in my experience, seromas occur in more than 50% of patients having surgery within the first 2 weeks. what you need to understand is that seromas are something that you should not be extremely concerned about. most seromas will disappear by themselves after a few weeks. most patients develop very small fluid cavities in different areas of the body, but for the most part these fluid collections are small and are resolved by only using a compression.

girdles are extremely important and are the main treatment to prevent seromas. even during compression, the fluid gets reabsorbed by the body if you use the girdle 24/7 for the first 4 weeks. only take the girdle off for a few hours to wash it or to take a shower. some patients can develop large seromas and this will require more than compression to resolve. sometimes seromas need to be drained. when the seroma is drained, essentially all the fluid is removed. typically, seromas reoccur after draining, but serial drainage ultimately will resolve the problem. rarely when somebody develops a chronic seroma, surgery needs to be done to place a drain and clean the area of any inflammatory tissue to completely resolve the problems.

also, in some medium-sized seromas after drainage, a steroid named kenalog is injected in the cavity to help decrease the inflammation. you should not be extremely concerned if you develop a seroma. even your plastic surgeon will tell you that seromas are not life threatening. it is just a normal response of the body to injury, and this can be resolved with the treatments mentioned above. in this video we discuss how to prevent seromas after plastic surgery. next week, we will discuss tummy tuck and smoking. remember to comment below, share this video,like this video, and subscribe to our channel for more information, here at the superhourglasschannel, only on youtube.

if you have a question please post it belowand we will be happy to answer it. maybe we will make a video about it. also, you can log on to our website, for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results. remember to log on to our hourglass tv for more information about your surgical procedures. on monday we have bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures. tuesdays: wonder breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery. wednesdays we have star bodies. if you want to have a star body log on to our hourglass tv. thursdays: hourglass or you’re going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

also shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision. and friday superhourglass for topics related to have that hourglass figure that you want. and finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on facebook live, periscope and snapchat. all these and more in the hourglass tv!

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