los angeles liposuction

los angeles liposuction

with gynecomastia, there are some men who have primarily fatty tissue, some of them onlyglandular tissue and some have a combination of both. if you say i had something on my chest. i guess i have something on my chest and i'm getting it off. gabriel came to me about three months agoand has had this condition. basically gynecomastia, which is enlargement of the male breast. it's clearly bothered him for years.since he was a teenager. he told me certain social activities, taking off his shirt, running, working out, he's just always very self-conscience.

i've always been concerned with my weight. at my most i weighed 240. all the other parts got slimmer, aroundthe face and the stomach, but the fat around the chest always stood out. i researched los angeles gynecomastia surgery so i knew a little bit about it. as far as clearing up everything dr. kapoormuch gave me for a very detailed description about los angeles gynecomastia surgery.what results i could expect. everything i addressed he took care of.

over the years i've done lots of these cases and i refined my approach as i gained more experience with los angeles gynecomastia surgery. most men will benefit from some type of liposuction of the fatty tissue around thechest and chest wall. what you can kind of see here is i liposuction on the underside of thegland and above. so you can see it's getting flatter here. not quite there. this shows you that there is a big central mound of breast tissue. we removed a fair amount of fatty tissue from the breast area. that showed us where the glandular tissue was. it's usually in thecenter portion behind the nipple complex.

based on that we went ahead and madea small incision on the underside of his nipple. and we removed actual breast tissue.that really completed the procedure in his case. very happy with the results of my los angeles gynecomastia surgery. very happy with dr. kapoor's work.the results are better than what i expected. hey gabriel. how are you? it's good to see you. i had the opportunity to see gabrieltoday 6 weeks out of surgery. he's doing great. he's very happy with hisearly results. he has a little bit of swelling left but by in large you can see theexcellent contour that he has. everything appears to be healing well.

the healing is going really good.it wasn't painful at all. i didn't have to take a lot of painmedication or things like that. just antibiotics. it's great seeing gabriel come full circlejust 6 weeks after his gynecomastia surgery. him telling me that he feels very goodabout the results. he feels very liberated. that to me is really the goal with los angeles gynecomastia surgery. as far as the impact for the future, i think it's just going to give me a better feeling about myself. you know, self-confidence and everything. i wish i could have done it sooner but i think it will make things a lot better for me. from any patient i just want to hear thatthey are satisfied and really pleased

with the results and i think in gabriel's case it's clear that he is. after the surgery what actually stood out was people that i haven't seen for a while,you know, you get complimented. you've lost a lot of weight. i don't know if it's because i had that compression vest on holding everything in but it just feels good for people to notice.

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