liposuction zurich

liposuction zurich

like today. just having fun with friends and like that. that's what i enjoy the most. taizo: we're so lucky to live in paradise. certified surgeon. he has a revolutionary way to get rid of cellulite.

what is the exact definition? cellulite is a common problem. 85% of women in the u.s. have cellulite. it's basically a fibrous band under the skim skin and pulls the skin down that creates the cratering of the skin.

taizo: we talk about this. there's no -- it could be anybody. there's no age discriminating you could be young or old. it hits anybody. genetics play a role. all age groups can be affected. taizo: you have this new

cle -- celfina. what is it? it's a very exciting new technology. we're the first practice in hawai'i to have it. it uses a proprietary technology to active quickly address the cause of the cellulite.

it is able to precise precisely target the area. skin will elevate and smooth out. treating the underlying cause. taizo: who would be an ideal candidate? hawai'i's the best place in the world to have it.

our culture is on the beach and outdoors. they want to look good. so ideal candidate is any woman who has moderate to severe cellulite, dimpling that causes them to be self-conscious to wear shorts or swimsuits. one time?

that's what's exciting. it's a one-time treatment. long-term results. studies show two years after treatment, the patient satisfaction is 96%. taizo: that's amazing. the treatment takes about 45 minutes.

depending on how much cellulite we're treating. go back to work the next day. taizo: for you, what is it like to be able to have something as amazing as this, the first in hawai'i. when ne come in and the results, how does that make you feel to to

see those results? makes me feel great. for years, people have been asking me what can i do? there's lots of lotions and laser treatments but to be honest they're not effective. this is the technology that works.

taizo: i love it. speaking of excited, if anybody wants to get more information, you got something coming up. this wednesday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at our office, we're having an open house to educate the public. we will explain in depth how the

technology works. we'll do mini consultations and provide a lot of information. taizo: we'll have all the information. doctor, can guys -- guys have cellulite too. could they call you? we'd be happy to see them.

it's much more common in women. the genetics behind it and things like that. we'll be happy to see anybody. taizo: i'm so happy. thank you. i want to know because i have work myself. but to have something like this,

and real quick quickly, pain threshold. does it hurt? this is not something you should be concerned about. we use a local numbing agent. that's the treatment, it's pain-free. a little bit of soreness a day

or two afterwards. it's easy, quick, efficient and it works. taizo: the results are amazing.

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