liposuction yes or no

liposuction yes or no

if you already practice a healthy lifestyleincluding eating smart and exercising you may be an excellent candidate for a fat reduction treatment to help with those hard-to-target areas dr. joseph jensen is here to break down threeprocedures that can rejuvenate your shape. i like the sound of that. rejuvenate--kinda bring back what was missing…what’slost. yeah, what we, what we had when we were perfectin high school. hey there it is. perfect shape. let’s start with the most non-invasive treatment.

because i know you have a lot of clients that are a little nervous about how far these procedures can go. but, coolsculpting you say is kinda one ofthose in-and-out procedures. i think that coolsculpting is the most excitingthing in body reshaping that there is besides exercise and diet. how come? well it’s…it’s amazing. let’s say you have some love handles, orlet’s say you have a double chin, and want to have it fixed. you know you see me in a free consultation,but after that you come to the office.

the way coolsculpting works is it freezesfat, literally. so it’s called cryolipolysis--the removalof fat cells by freezing them. and what happens is you come in the coolsculptingapplicator looks like a suction cup. ok. and so… so, no needles. no needles. no incisions. no blood.

nothing like that. but, you put the applicator wherever you aretrying to reduce the fat. ya know the love handles or your flabby armsor whatever. not that you don’t have… …i mean i don’t know what you’re talkingabout. no. no. i’m talking about my problems. you’re fine, we are all there. it’s good. it's good.

anyways, you apply the applicator to the treatmentarea. uh, huh. and it draws the fat that you want to eliminateinto the applicator. now what’s it work? what’s doing the freezing exactly? well there’s some freezing plates on theinside of the applicator that bring the temperature of the fat down to minus ten degrees for anhour. huh. that does not hurt your skin.

or your blood vessels, or your nerves, oryour muscles, or anything. but it causes the fat cells to die. how soon will you see results? you start seeing results in a month. you see your maximum results 3-4 months. this is the exciting thing. so, after, so you sit there for an hour ina comfy chair you watch a youtube video, or you read a book,or whatever. no pain.

nothing sharp. guess what you do after? tell me. nothing. oh good. you go to your kids baseball game. you can go for a hike. you just walk out the office door? you go back to work.

ya, there’s nothing like that. you don’t have to wear a compressive garmentfor a month. you’re not, you know, you don’t have anyincisions anything like that. what’s the cost on a procedure like this? well, it depends on how many area’s youhave treated. sure, sure. we have a graduated pricing schedule […] coolsculptingpricing is universal. the company that pioneered it did a smart thing where--to protect patients--there is universal pricing. oh nice!

o.k. you can see that on our... kinda scope out the pricing. it’s similar. i think that if you have…it’s kinda similarto liposuction. sometimes less sometimes more depending onhow many areas you treat. let’s talk about liposuction. not traditional liposuction as we know itbut, there’s a technique called smartlipo. so, smartlipo and liposuction are basicallythe same thing.

the only difference is that with smart liposuctionbefore you mechanically…with both liposuction and smart liposuction you mechanically removethe fat… you suck it out. with smartlipo, before you suck the fat out,you treat it with laser energy and that helps you recover more fat and have less bleedingand less pain, […] which leads to less swelling… and quicker results. and finally, a more significant procedurewould be the tummy tuck. who’s a good candidate for that? well, tummy tuck is great.

if you have too much skin, there’s reallyno substitute for skin removal. and so, it’s like magic. but, it is an operation. sure. it’s significant. if you have too much skin and you get liposuction…infact, i saw a patient the other day in the office; she had way too much skin and she'd had liposuction and she came in and it kinda looked like a raisin. and so she’s going to have a tummy tuckand she is going to look amazing at the end. so, it all starts regardless of what procedureyou’re interested in.

it all starts with that free consultation. right. how can clients set that up with you? the best way to do it is go to my website, it is an exciting time. we are running a special on the website, whichwe didn’t talk about really. but it’s a botox special--$8.00 a unit forbeginners, which--you can’t beat that anywhere. so, a lot to look into. just go to the website,

thank you so much dr. jensen. thank you. we appreciate it.

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