liposuction work

liposuction work

i am dr. roxana barad and i will now take you on a journeythrough slim liposuction and the creation of a slimmer and more tonedbody. the journey begins by marking the areasof concern showing the hills and valleys that need to be smoothed out. after the markings the patient is thencleaned in preparation for the procedure. the next step is numbing the sites that willbe used to introduce the anesthetic solution. i am now infusing a low concentration oflidocaine solution

called tumescent fluid. because lidocaine is lipophilic, whichmeans it's preferentially attracted to fat, it effectively numbs the fat and theadjacent tissues, like the muscles and the connective tissue and theskin. the tumescent technique and the fat melting efficiency of the slim lasersystem allows for a much quicker recovery timethan traditional liposuction and with the added benefit ofsignificantly less bruising and discomfort.

we are melting the fat and... the laser tip is the red flashinglight, so that i can tell where the laser is being delivered... whether... where the laser energy is being delivered. and it's just at the tip that the fat is getting melted. and while i am doing this, i am monitoring the temperature with my hand. and then we also have an external device to monitor temperature. we monitor the energy that's put into a given area so that it's correlated to the amount of fat

that there is. we routinely turn down the lights during the fat melting process in order to better see the red tip of the laser. so the little holes that i make with the punch are called "adits." and... um... those are the portholes for introducing all the cannulas and the laser fiber... and we leave them open because that's what she will drain from. it helps with elimination of edema... post-op. it speeds up that elimination 'cause it has a nice opening to come out through. and they close and heal really nicely on their own. okay... now i am aspirating the melted fat.

and uh... we use the same holes... adits... as for the... uh... all the other steps so far. ...and there goes your lovely fat!oh my gosh... itself but by a have where the uh... laser energy is optimizedfor heating water and that helps

tissue tighten so this is our tissuetightening pass and the results will be? a nice, flat thinner abomen -nice tight skin?-tight, tight skin. yes. that's the advantage to thisprocedure... that you don't have skin laxity after removing

a lot of fat.

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