liposuction with local anesthesia

liposuction with local anesthesia

is kybella permanent? thank you for your question! you’re asking is kybella permanent. andso what i assume you mean is are the results that come from doing kybella injection permanent. well, it’s important to just understandwhat the principles of this injection is and how any type of liposculpture or any typeof lipo dissolving procedure works. kybella is a drug that is derived from a bile acidwhich is from the gallbladder which helps emulsify and breakup fat. so when this drugis injected into the space where the fat is that is undesirable, it melts essentiallythat fat so that it there is no longer viable

fat cells. now, you can compare this to liposuction.when we do liposuction whether it’s under the chin, whether in the waist or the lovehandles or anywhere else in the body. we are literally suctioning out those fat cells.and so if somebody wants to know if it is permanent, well the answer is yes. whateverthe fat is, whether it’s suctioning out or whether it’s dissolved until those cellscannot be viable anymore, it is permanent. the secondary question of course is what happensif you gain weight. well, one of the myths of liposuction and i’m sure it will applyto kybella as well is the perception that the fat moves somewhere else. and actuallythat is not true. the fat doesn’t actually

move. what happens in the case of liposuctionis unfortunately a lot of people struggle maintaining the right kind of diet and exerciseregimen so they’ll gain weight but they won’t gain weight in the same places beforewhich were problem areas because the fat was suctioned out. instead, they gain fat in otherareas. let’s say for example, a woman for example, we do a lot of these wants to havethe bra roll and the waist and the hip area liposuctioned and shaped. well, if she gainsmore weight, she might gain weight in the breast, in the thighs in a way that wouldbe appear strange because she is not used to gaining weight in that way. sometimes,that unfortunately it just takes getting back into gear because liposuction in our practiceis not about weight loss. it’s about contouring

and usually our patients who we select tohave this procedure are within 10 pounds of their ideal body weight. unfortunately, with the growing problem ofoverweight and obesity in the united states, it’s a challenge to get people to that levelbut really, that’s for me where liposuction is ideal. and many times, people who are candidatesfor kybella which is approved only for under the chin and fat, this can also be a geneticissue and people who have under chin fat or submental fat that is more genetic, we suctionthis for people who are runners and at the same time, we had people who were overweightwho plateaued and benefited from suctioning around the neck area.

so ultimately, you have to make a smart decisionabout whether or not to pursue this treatment. kybella, as opposed to liposuction is a multisessiontreatment plan. so the appeal for a non-surgical solution may be outweighed by the inconvenienceby the non-surgical solution. i’ve been telling my patients that although kybellais interesting and is good to have as an additional option but in terms of the efficiency of gettingrid of under chin fat, i always say that we can do that procedure in much less time anddo it under local anesthesia like you would with any other injectable procedure and getit done within less than half an hour. so it’s a matter of making an informed decisionand customizing the solution for the patient. so learn more about the material and meetwith qualified and experienced surgeons. i

stress the word surgeons in my own personalbias because surgeons can do both surgery and non-surgical solutions. in our practice,we offer everything from spa treatments all the way to advanced cosmetic surgery. so itgives me a lot of options. if you go to somebody who’s a non-surgeon, then kybella wouldbe the thing to do. if you look back to the history of this category of medications, therewas a drug called lipodissolve many years ago that had to be pulled from the marketbecause a lot of problems with the administration of this drug. so it’s always important totake a guarded and methodological approach to this newer technologies. in over 20 yearsof practice, i’ve seen a lot of things come and go. everything from endermolgie and threadlifts and the ever popular and ever evolving

and ineffective thermal devices which aretrying to replace facelifts and simply cannot. so meeting with doctors who have experienceknowledge and understanding will help you make a smart decision about whether or notkybella is the right choice for you. so i hope that was helpful, i wish you thebest of luck and thank you for your question!

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