liposuction what to expect after surgery

liposuction what to expect after surgery

if you're considering a tummy tuck, you'll want to know what to expect duringyour recovery. let's hear from dr. gurtner to discussthe recovery process that most tummy tuck patients go through. for most patients, this can be done as an outpatient and staying overnight in either an ambulatory surgery unit or in a hotel. they usually have drains in placeafter a tummy tuck procedure, and they will be required to beseen the next day by the physician. usually they need to take atleast a week or two off of work because

there is some discomfort with coughing,bearing down getting out of a chair for a week or two and it's difficult -- everybody's different -- but for mostpatients it's just a better idea to take a week or two off from work. prior to my surgery i was instructed to make sure that i had an adult supportsystem upon completion of the surgery. i would be unable to lift over 20pounds for at least three weeks and i needed somebody who would be ableto assist

with the children. being the mother of small children time, i had an infant at home, and i needed someone who was going to beable to take care of me as well as take care of the children. i was instructed that i should not drive for two to three weeks because

with the tummy tuck it's the lower abdominal procedure so with the moving of the pedals while driving it could cause undue strain, even though the external stitches seemed to be healed visibly, you have toremember that there are internal stitches

that have to be that have to heal as well because themuscles have been pulled and re-sutured. so you just have to be very cognizant of heavy lifting, excessive movements that would involve your lower abdomen.

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