liposuction vibration

liposuction vibration

many people are worry and afraid that after liposuction their skin could become uneven how can we solve this problem? actually there 2 main reasons why after liposuction skin becomes uneven first, fat cells aren't removed evenly and second, though fat cells are removed evenly but there are still skin left it makes the skin lose its elasticity so after liposuction has finished and the skin became uneven there is one physical therapy to make fat cells get distributed evenly

lpg endermologieit pulls skin tissue through vacuum and helps skin regeneration. it also helps stimulating surrounding tissue to metabolize fat if you get this treatment after liposuction, you don't need to worry about uneven skin again lpg endermologie uses the vibration pressure to pull and release skin repeatedly it helps to improve blood and lymph circulation fat cells agglomerates continuosly being stimulates to help burning the fat and increase elasticity everyone must have once thinking about doing liposuction but what makes them hesitate are side effect that might happen, that it's kind a dangerous

many people think that liposuction is dangerous 1970s when it is first begin to perform we used canula with diameter 1cm, it's really big canula that's why many blood vessel, fat cells were damaged this thing happened 1 in 1000 person but after 1900, we use 3mm - 5mm canula, very thin canula we also use ultrasonic waves so we can minimize the blood vessel, nerve and fat cells damage so i think liposuction is as safe as another surgery

liposuction, a surgery to solve woman's problem above all, post care treatments are very important diet and exercise routinely diet, to change eating habit is a must when you are dieting, your protein will reduce, and if your muscle also reduce it will cause metabolic slowdown that's why you have to do exercise simultanously even after doing liposuction, you still have to do diet and exercise routinely and to add elasticity to the operated area

you need to do part exercise too

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