liposuction vancouver wa

liposuction vancouver wa

[speaker 1] i tried diet and exercise to achievea flat stomach, you know, after two pregnancies, and it just wasn't working out for me, sothat's when i did my research and decided to have the procedure done. he made me feel comfortable, and didn't rushme into having the procedure done, versus the other institute. i felt like, you know,it's all about business. they tried to hustle me, or something like that. that's how i felt. after the surgery, what i had this, providedme with the support that i needed, with information, and they follow up with phone calls, lateron that day, and that made me feel really good.

you know, he was just concerned about my overallwell-being, my diet and everything, make sure that i had the support at home. i strongly recommend it, because i look atit as an investment into yourself. i'm more confident, sexy, i feel. overall,i feel amazing. yeah. to dr. jonov, thank you so much for the amazingjob, and every time i look at my stomach, it just keeps getting better, keeps lookingbetter. i can't just wait for the summer, to finally wear a swimsuit for, let me see,past almost 10 years. yeah.

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