liposuction under the chin

liposuction under the chin

what can be done to repair my neck/facelift? i'm 72. in june, 2012, i had a neck & lowerface lift & liposuction on neck. after, there was a lumpy area under my chin. my doctorsaid to wait nine months. my lips were stretched, but within two weeks, that had improved. however,it's continued to come undone - my jowls, lines from nose and mouth, neck wrinkles arereappearing (about 50% undone) and under chin is much worse. two plastic surgeons said ihad good skin elasticity. what can be done? an in-office procedure? should i trust thesame doctor? help! thank you for your question! you're asking about, can the situation you'rein be corrected and can it be done in an in-office

procedure. well, the situation you have, appearsto be, where you had liposuction and you had lifting done but there appears to be regressionand collection of extra skin below the jawline. and i clearly need some revision in orderfor you to look good as you appear to be after surgery. there is, unfortunately, some caseswhere there's a lot of regression and it depends a lot on factors such as skin elasticity. as far as an in-office procedure, i have tosay, what matters is what decision you make is really the surgeon who did the procedureand what kind of situation when you had it. so, let me explain, if you had a procedureunder general anesthesia, then most likely, your surgeon is comfortable doing this kindof surgery under general anesthesia and if

you had it under local anesthesia with sedation,well then fine. your surgeon is more comfortable doing it that way. i can tell you in my practice,i do all my facelifts and neck lifts under local anesthesia with sedation and that meansgetting an iv and getting some liquid valium and propofol and just being be relaxed throughoutthe procedure and patients recover pretty nicely that way. so, as far as in-offices are concerned, inmy practice, we have our own facility within our office. so, technically we do is an in-officeprocedure. i would say, if there's a certain amount of laxity and the surgeon feels comfortabledoing this under local anesthesia and feels that this can be done as an in office procedure,well, that's fine. you see what we can't do

in our assessment and opinions you have submittedwith these questions is do a physical exam. and a critical important decision about thelevel of surgery with the extensiveness of the procedure is actually the simple movementof lifting the skin and when i lift the skin, i look at the directions. and so, if i haveto move very high and there's a lot of skin has to be move, that means that the incisionin the temple has to go a little higher in order to move the skin in a way so there'sno pleating and there's somewhere for that skin to go. so i would probably say, your procedure, basedon your photos alone, in my practice, i would do it under local anesthesia with sedationand that's basically for our practice and

in-office procedure. so, if your doctor didthis under local anesthesia, you just have to have a clear understanding from your doctorabout what the comfort level and what extent of the surgery is and then make a decision.and again, i suggest whenever people consider revision surgery, with something like facelifting and the doctor has been doing a lot of facelifts then most likely, it's your firstdoctor who should be doing the revision or enhancement of the surgery since they arealready familiar with you and they're familiar with the elasticity and the quality of theskin and what they can expect. i think if all those things feel right with you and thenyou can go ahead and proceed. so i hope that was helpful and thank you for question!

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