liposuction tutorial

liposuction tutorial

in this clip, we'll talk about the placementof the breast implant. there are essentially four incisions where the implant can be placed.the two most common incisions are one right at the border of the areola which is the pigmentedarea right outside the nipple. and, the other is underneath the breast at the fold. bothof these incisions can be quite small, only an inch or a inch and a half in length dependingon the type of implant that's placed. and, depending on the appearance of the breast.the other two locations would be through the armpit or axilla or through the bellybutton.those two approaches are a little bit more from a distance. and, not as common. because,of the concern that carefully placing the implant directly at the breast may be compromised.and, therefore those are not very common procedures.

although they are utilized by some surgeons.the next consideration is where to place the implant. and, whether it is placed immediatelybehind the breast itself and above the muscle. or, further back below the muscle. i generallyprefer the under the muscle approach. because, there is several advantages. there are severaladvantages. one of which, is that the implant is usually less detectable. especially, ina thin skinned person. another advantage is that it may be easier to image the breastas with mammography and mri. because, it interferes less with the breast tissue directly. and,the final reason is that there may be less likelihood of developing scar tissue or thecapsular contracture that can form around the breast.

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