liposuction training

liposuction training

roger bassin md reviews. meet roger bassin md, one of america's best cosmetic surgeons new cure for baldness, the technology is here. the hair transplant of the future is here today. you can have your own natural hair back. where with cosmetic surgeon doctor rogerbass and from the basses center for plasticsurgery in orlando florida what shot k good morning america. thefacts: 35 health alert this morning how about this no scalpel no sutures no incisions yets new relieffor people who are losing some other

hair like me when i look like thissometimes dock and i think i got a problem here maybe we can talk after theshow joining me now to talk about the neograb his doctor a job as a plastic surgeon to see once again howard also around or at your reputationgood to see you down there for you but let's start with the ron white whydid you decide i don't need to get something done here it was it for me i lost my hearing avery strange way from a car accident and i didn't wanna b ball anymore so istarted doing research in research and

research in the technology today i think if i canhave a full head of hair and song and take me one day to do it itwas a no brainer fines you got a full head of hair okay i dohave some before pictures so let's take a look at those are very quickly oh yeah he's okay was just going to mancompletely different ways the right when you look back at that picture right there what do youthink a guy that felt good on the inside and look bad onthe outside that make you feel

older yeah i mean i exercise and stayfit all the time but when you don't look as good as you feel the something that is this missing therewas one piece to the puzzle that was missing when i will go to a dinner something iwould never sit under a bright my parents sent back a littlebit always wore a baseball cap the confidence was not there myconfidence is back tenfold now at school it looks great and i'm sorryi'm sure you hear this a lot not just men women also facing thiswhat's new about this new graph

procedure well me bottom line is that there's nocutting and no scar i didn't realize how you used to dothese you show me this couple that you took part said a people's the scalp moreless an entrance by here we would do we'll be taking a very sharp instruments such as a scalpelover here and what we would do is we would actually if you want to come intight over here take a look at the scalpel but we would actually do is we wouldawould take a chunk outta your

at your head we would actually cut achunk at your head then we would have had a bottom-up and then put them back in but theproblem is you're left with a pretty large scar and a lot of our patients don't want tohave a scar and also for women could corrode baldness and women'sbecomes has become not becoming it is really a major problem but these patients are kinda hidingbecause they don't want this car to not talk to these pictures are coming outbecause we can do without scars don't

use now it's completely different different we were kissing technology tolook at the same to okay this is just what the temp are ourdevice would look alike because i could bring the big device in today but thisis like a tiny it's one millimeter around that such as smaller than atypical ballpoint pen and what we do this is connected to acarb a computerized device and what we'll do is we'll just punchlittle tiny hair follicles out okay and bike so you take from like the backup here and yet you're using that to to punch up in this area and we're takingit from the door area which is always in

the back where we don't get typical pattern baldness where the areasare prefect back here punching out individual folliclesrandomly only fitting in about 14 percent okay taking a little hair folliclestransplanting at them back in this is neo graft. fast simple and great results in the hands of an expert. doctor roger bassin and his expert staff will get you back in the game. why waitto look great? call tampa hair md today. the doctors that care

about your hair. tampa hair md.

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