liposuction supplies

liposuction supplies

(comedy idols) 2, 3. hello! we're the idol comedy team... like... - or... / - dislike! hello, everyone. we're the idol comedy team lod. why is it that only handsome actors and handsome singers have fan clubs? comedians can have that too! again, we'll tell you reasons why you have to

like us today. listen up. handsome actor that captured the hearts of women! gong yoo! join the fan club, join the fan club! gong yoo? gong yoo and i are close! when he went to the army i visited him often. - aren't i a good person? / - yeah!

gong yoo said this to me one day. that he needs something in the army. so i asked what it was. he said... "hyojong, can you get girls' generation's yoona's autograph?" so i went to a "music bank" shoot... - to get yoona's autograph. / - wait. - do you know yoona? / - nope.

i was standing at the set of "music bank." - how? / - you stood there? a vietnamese guy to my left and thai guy to my right. we were standing together. so yoona gave me an autograph. it's a beautiful story so far. - but there's a twist. / - what? when i was in the army gong yoo visited me.

so i asked him for a favor. "the guys on base are fans of im sujeong. can you get me her autograph?" - im sujeong? / - know what gong yoo said? what? "hyojong... sorry but how can a celebrity ask for an autograph? that's embarrassing." - what about me? / - wait... - am i not a celebrity? / - it's okay.

what am i? am i a tv writer? well? gong yoo, you humiliated me so.... join the fan club and share your fans! that was good. - i'm next. / - okay, okay. kim kyungrok, join the fan club, join the fan club! - who's that? / - who? - a singer in v.o.s. / - why him?

he told me to mention him in this skit. kim kyungrok! happy? - wait! it's my turn now. / - what? - i'll get some fans properly. / - how? yang sebin posted this on my sns. "wongu, come to our school and sign autographs." i'll give sebin my autograph, everyone in her major... - everyone in her grade... / - hey!

your arm will hurt from signing that many. - i can do it! / - how? i have a stamp on my head! what's this? i don't think this will work. it'll work. not bad. how is this your autograph? - what's my name? / - wongu.

circle, nine. the meaning of your name? (serious kingdom) according to the joseon era records, during the rule of king serious it was said laughter made the heart light so the era became serious. despite laughter being banned in this country, you dare make people laugh?

i'll find the one and punish him! - we're innocent! / - shut it! i know the mastermind is among you. who is it? your highness, he made people laugh with a korean poem on the streets. - a korean poem? / - yes. okay. recite a korean poem. but! it must not be funny. make it serious.

the topic will be items in the bathroom. how can i not be funny with a korean poem? - have you ever seen me be unfunny? / - nope. how can we not be funny with bathroom items? shut it! you're first. go ahead. your topic is a toilet paper. - are you ready? / - yes. toilet...

give me some toilet paper. it's about to come out. toilet paper, toilet paper! paper... i don't need it now. he's the funny one! beat him! how can i not be funny? you dare you be funny? you scum! how dare you be funny?

i'll show you how it's done. your highness, i'll do shampoo. - are you confident, prime minister? / - yes. alright. i'll believe in you. shampoo... i'll wash my hair with shampoo. has he gone crazy? he seems crazy to me too but i'll let you live if you can do it like this.

how can i do it like that? you seem very confident. - not at all... / - alright. you'll do mirror. i'll do a chungcheong-do version. - you can do different versions? / - yes. alright. mirror... is this the chinese restaurant? mirror...

how long will it take? beat him too! what a relief! what a relief... i'll do another one with skin. - you got beaten but you'll do another one? / - yes. - skin. / - alright. - what version is it this time? / - foreigner version. foreigner version? alright.

skin... great. this is delicious. this kimchi stew is delicious. beat him again! i don't deserve this, your highness. who is the mastermind? your highness, the mastermind made people laugh by acting out situations. - acting? / - yes.

you scum! act out situations now. if a single person laughs you will be punished! how can we not be funny acting out situations? do it now. alright. we'll do it together. - you 3 will do it together? / - yes. these situations you'll see are made

based on the real lives of two old men. here is the first situation. my son is a congressman. my son is a judge. i grandson graduated from harvard. my second son is a professor at harvard. this situation is two old men lying. my son is george bush.

- my son is a woman. / - what are you saying? beat them! your son is a woman? how is that possible? - i shouldn't have said that. / - don't be funny. let's do something less funny. here is the next situation. - isn't that jun jihyun? / - no, it's kim taehee. - it's jun jihyun. / - no, it's kim taehee.

two old men gradually losing their sight. - it's not kim taehee. / - it's kim daehee. beat them again! (fools in space) captain! gas is leaking out! this thing is acting up again! hold on... we'll block it off with tape. we'll fix it properly when we get equipment...

- from the space station. / - okay. gosh... aren't you a bit hungry? do we have any snacks? - you're hungry? / - yeah. i have something to eat. a tube! i knew it. not that.

if i was on earth i'd buy a bunch of snacks from the mart. it's fun pushing a shopping cart at the mart. professor, you want to push a shopping cart? that's why i brought this... he brought a shopping cart? we can push that then. sounds fun. here. 10 cents. - what's with that? / - you can't get a cart without it.

where's the shopping cart? i'd get in trouble if i took that. what are you saying? geez... i want the real deal. you know what i mean. you push a shopping cart in the mart and pick out what you want to eat. this, this... take this out. it's buy one, get one free over there.

the mart is all about the free samples. i smell fried dumplings. they cut it in such small pieces! professor, just eat them like this. take a toothpick and... poke, poke, poke. why'd you stab the lady's fingers? i'm sorry! - sorry! / - buy the dumplings and go home. cover the frying pan in cooking oil.

once the pan is hot, add the dumplings... careful, that's hot. they're all nicely cooked. since there's a lot of oil... wipe it down with a napkin and... - dip the dumpling in soy sauce... / - not that. it should be seasoned soy sauce. two drops of vinegar in the soy sauce... then some chili powder. done.

- looks good! / - i'll try one first! like this... - that's the napkin i wiped the oil with! / - hot! you have to eat the dumplings when they're hot. can't we get something like this? i ordered fried dumplings from the space station. - really? / - yes. good job! - sounds good. / - this is gamma.

this is gamma. professor, i'm coming with your supplies. - fried dumplings? / - yes. - hurry over! / - alright. - sounds good. / - fried dumplings. the handle fell off. get some pliers or a screw driver. there's tape right here. don't take that off!

why'd you take that off? - leave the dumplings! / - oh, no... - the dumplings... / - now what will we eat? delta, delta. come in. come in. - this is the control center... / - alright... the connection isn't good so it keeps cutting off. control center, speak up. what is it? professor, are you using the molecular composite machine i sent you?

this thing is really neat. you put two things in and it comes out combined as one thing. - it's really neat. / - really? professor, my son on earth went to a field trip and took a photo by himself. all the other kids took photos with their dads. how sad. if i combine my photo...

it'll come out like we took it together. yeah, he should take a photo with his dad. let's combine these two. this should be neat. yeah... start! it'll be a photo with his dad. here it is. - let's see. / - father and... - what is this? / - what's this?

the potatoes... - it must've thought your face as a potato. / - no! bad potatoes. - hold on. seunghwan! / - yes. why'd you send us such a shoddy machine? why is everything you do so frustrating? i'm sorry. and last time i told you to send us ingredients to make cocktails

so we could have a party at the space station. you sent us the wrong stuff! - geez... / - i'll send them again. - cocktail ingredients. / - yeah. - cocktail... / - drinking that... drinking that... i think he's spitting at me! - you want me to drink spit? / - it's not like that. fried dumplings?

they flew away. i'm bringing the ingredients. that's good enough. hurry over. all the ingredients are here. you even brought chives. - get ready to make dumplings. / - professor. make them... that'll take too long. we have the machine. just add the ingredients and the chives... we'll get chive dumplings.

you're smart when it comes to this. let's do this. this should be good. we should get chive dumplings... goodness... delicious chive dumplings... - this is a boot! / - what is this? where are the dumpling fillings? what is this? they're all in here! how can we eat this?

(reaction league baseball) hello, i'm the reaction league baseball caster jeong jaehyeong. i'm commentator gwon jaegwan. in the rlb, the batter does what the pitcher suggests with gusto. that's right. today's pitcher is kim kilee. the catcher is kim sungwon. the game starts.

the first batters are good friends they've been working together for 20 years. the pitcher winds up... yoon bockhee's "everyone!" 'i'm your friend' 'i'm your eternal song' 'what will i do?' a hit! - foul ball. / - foul ball.

- hey! / - yeah? that was too high! - yeah? alright. / - too high! - do something else. / - alright. - yeah. / - let's do a different one. - here they go again. / - a different song. buzz's "thorn!" 'the memory of you' 'our past love'

'it became a thorn that's lodged inside me' 'please...' 'please leave forever' i might fall at this rate. it's going! - a triple! / - yes! we did it! please leave! - get out! / - yes.

here come the next batters. these batters will do the the hidden picture game. what's hidden this time? find the hidden necktie, brush and hairtail! it's cleopatra and a soldier. where's the necktie? - they're on the soldier's clothes! / - nice. what about the brush and hairtail?

- brush and hairtail... / - where are they? time over. where's the brush? it was on cleopatra's head. so where's the hairtail? out of my way! nice! the hairtail was on his sword! - a double! / - a double!

here comes the next batter. this batter is campaign. a campaign for husbands with wives that want to work! hello, i'm a married man of 3 years. i'm comedian kim jaeuk. husbands, i bet it's a concern when your wife wants to go back to work after your kid gets older. it's best if a mother raises a child

but she wants to work again. she'd get upset if you told her not to. in this situation... so that she doesn't have to choose between work and childcare... how about having a second child? very good job. jaegwan, if you were born again you'd marry your current wife again, right?

i won't be born again. these batters will do robot acting. shot-put robots made at kaist with a $50 million investment! shot-put robots? what will they do? that was funny. what a shame. they'll try again. canoe robots made

at kaist with a $70 million investment! canoe robots? they're rowing... - a triple! / - a triple! what if those robots get hurt? - just throw them out. / - i see. what will they show us? impressions! the first time these have been done in the world.

we'll start now. this has never been done before. the first one is the head of the athletes at the korean national training center. - do you swear? / - i swear! next is... the explorer of "national geographic" peter jackson. hey. chairman of promotion for the

busan international film festival. sir... this is today's host kim hyesu. goodness! those were the impressions. - a single! / - a single! very popular. she's going to show us the difference between a normal mother and a drama mother.

when your son is injured and crying... a normal mother! you brat! how'd you hurt yourself? stop crying! you're so careless just like your father. you make me so mad! a drama mother! endure it. your world will open up soon.

foul ball. - a bit lacking. / - yes. she'll try again. when your daughter-in-law brings a gift... goodness! you can't afford this! use this money to buy some good food for your family. a drama mother. don't misunderstand.

you're still not part of our family. - it's going out of the park! home run! / - home run! (the perfect couple) - seunghye. / - yeah? - this is our first baseball game together. / - yeah. - let's cheer and have fun. / - alright, honey. - hey, geunji! / - hey! this is my girlfriend seunghye. - hello. / - hello.

- you're so pretty. / - no... my girlfriend sora! - you're very pretty. / - no... sora, did you but sunscreen on? - i forgot! / - i knew it. here. wow. - thanks. / - geunji is so sweet. you two are the perfect couple. you guys are a great match.

sora, we're rooting for the same team. you're right. - let's cheer hard today. / - let's go! geunji, let's buy some food before we go in. that's why i bought fried chicken! great! if only we had some beer... - i bought beer. / - chicken and beer! looks like we're on the same page. when did you buy that?

- so thoughtful. / - it's good you bought that. - should we go in? / - yeah. i haven't been to a baseball game in forever. i wish we win like last year. sora, you came to see the last game of the... - korean series last year? / - sure! you did too? at the bottom of the 9th with two outs... - he pitched the ball... / - songjin went... home run!

- honey, listen to me. / - yeah. on my birthday what did we ride at hangang? a cruise ship or a thyroid? 1, 2, 3. - cruise ship! / - cruise ship! - that was really hard! / - we're a great couple! - we ride a thyroid often. / - that's right. - you guys are a great couple. / - so are you guys. - let's sit down and watch. / - yeah. let's watch the game.

i'll give you all beer. - enjoy some chicken. / - thank you. ta-da. - the drumstick is the best. / - so good. - sora, i know you like breast meat. / - thanks. - i like the wing. / - i'm going to eat a wing too. the drumstick is the best. - the wing is the best. / - yeah. there's barely any meat on that.

yeah. they say if you eat wings you'll cheat on your loved one. - this is a neck! / - a neck... i've got beer here. - i have some. / - i need more beer. - want some beer? / - yes, please. - some refreshing beer... / - thank you. it's overflowing! your faces turned red.

i guess you haven't been dating long. kissing is better than alcohol! we're the couples! oh, i made a mistake! me and by big mouth! - what's with that guy? / - honey. listen to me. when we went on a date last week was it at cheonggyecheon or bao zheng?

1, 2, 3. - cheonggyecheon! / - cheonggyecheon! - that was a hard one! / - we're a great couple! - we go to bao zheng often. / - bao zheng. what a great couple. - let's sit and watch the game. / - should be fun. - watching the game... / - seunghye. - you got something on your face. / - really? i'll wipe it off.

here comes the ball! catch it! - sora! / - yeah! - a gift! / - thanks! thanks. are you all having fun today? this is today's event! - it's an event! / - really? - what? / - look at the screen.

- what is it? / - what's going on? they're doing something... kiss! kiss! (301 302) a guy moved in next door. he saw me and smiled. then he ran up to say hello. what's with him? is he interested in me?

of course a man would be interested in me. how cute! so cute! i thought the girl next door was my aunt. how can another person look like that? wow... i ran into the guy next door again in the elevator when i got home from work. was he waiting for me to get off work?

how cute. so i tried to lean in but he leaned away. i tried to lean in but he leaned away. was he afraid i'd hear his heart racing? work up some courage, you dummy! dummy! the girl next door smells like a widower. maybe she smokes at home.

goodness! goodness! it's an earthquake. earthquake in seoul... did only i feel it? i did the laundry when i got home and put it on the roof. i left for a little bit and my underwear disappeared. who took them?

the guy next door? is he a pervert? pervert! pervert! i found a blanket. where did that big thing come from? 301! - 301! / - yes. any problems after moving in? the person next door is driving me crazy.

the young woman in 302? why? you're crazy in love? you two should get together. it's not like that. i think she plays the guitar all night. i keep hearing dinging. she shouldn't play the guitar at night! i'll handle this. 302! 302!

yes? you shouldn't play the guitar at night. i don't play the guitar. then why is it dinging here all night? it's ready! so it was that sound? there's nothing wrong with that! hold on... 301. it's a misunderstanding.

so you should get together with the girl in 302. - gosh... / - i'm not getting together with her! it was an exciting day today. it was a scary day today. will love start for me now? will misfortune start for me now? i'd better say hello if i run into him tomorrow. i'd better move out if i run into her tomorrow. - gosh! / - gosh!

(veteran) big trouble! the sound director's had an accident. - he can't make it. / - what? dang it... newbie. you play the sounds. i've never done that before. we're all veterans. we'll work around you so play the sounds.

the performance will start. geez! oh, whatever! i'm finally done with hiding my identity as a policeman and living as a gangster. - so you're here. / - hey, detective sim. why did the chief want to meet at this fishing hole? - we got a new order today. / - what? i thought i was done! this was decided from above.

your new order today... this is the sound when it turns off... what are you doing? i think it's out of batteries... so your assignment is... cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel... alt f4, alt f4, alt f4.... stop, stop, stop! i'll send it to you in an email.

- an email? / - yes. here's the chief. detective im, long time... long time no... when did i buy so many cars? long time no see, detective im... gosh... long time... what's this? 'we will, we will...' 'rock you!'

why did we do that? long time no see, detective im. have some coffee. smells nice. stop. stop! your teeth will turn yellow! stop! tastes good. chief, you said i was done after last time. - detective sim, please step out. / - yes, sir.

geez... this is extra pay for your assignment. i don't need this. it's not much so take it. it really isn't much. yeah, i told you that. i don't need this! you should become a soccer player. it's coming back.

there it goes! my car... it broke a window. - you should contact your insurer. / - yeah. - anyway, i can't do this anymore. / - you can't? know how much money we spent to plant you? but you can't do it? what's with this thing? - why can't you do it? / - that hurts.

i said to do it. why can't you? - stop, stop, stop! / - why? why? why? i'm not doing it! fine. then don't. but what if they find out you're a cop? what? you scum! what are you trying to do to me? this isn't right. i have no choice then.

if you disappear this is all over! so that's where i parked my car. that's your car? put the gun down! detective sim, shoot him. shoot him now! what the... what are you guys doing? we will, we will...

- rock you. / - rock you! why are we doing this? what do we do now? what else can we do? we'll refund your tickets! hey... gosh... (catchphrase makers) viewers, we're sorry. while watching gag concert...

i bet you were frustrated that you didn't have any catchphrases to imitate. we haven't been trying hard enough. we're sorry. so for you all to blatantly imitate... we've blatantly made some catchphrases. okay, okay, okinawa! what did you prepare? the catchphrase i made is...

did eating water parsley and bellflower make you crazy? eat some ginger and use your head! don't be embarrassed. it's okay. good work. what did you make? i have a catchphrase for when you're shocked. here i go. was that it? is it over? you're done? okay...

i have a catchphrase for when you're sick. i see. it hurts, it hurts. let's go to the apartment. i think i'll finally have a catchphrase after being a comedian for 9 years. it's for healing the sick. gathering the power of the earth and sky! i will cure the sick! i am... - yang sunil! / - that's too long.

- my name is the catchphrase. / - that's too long. - come on, sungkwang... / - make it short. make another one. so we'll use these catchphrases in a skit. feel free to say them along with us. park bomi, you should prepare yourself. you have 3 months at best. hey, good job today. oh, right. sorry. hold on.

i'll be over there. bomi, what brings you to my office? - honey. / - yeah? let's break up. why? - what's wrong? / - can't we just break up? - tell me why... / - i met someone else! don't lie. you're sick.

- that's why you're doing this... / - what? you knew? tell me. - you knew? / - okay, okay, okinawa! tell me again. did you know i was sick? did you know? thank you. then how about you?

why did you hide this from me? honey. how do you think i feel? how do you think i feel to... - leave behind the man i love? / - how do you feel? it hurts. so... you should forget me and meet another girl. live happily!

okay, okay, okinawa! yes! - sungkwang! / - stop it. get off me. you stole bomi from me and now you'll meet another woman? are you crazy? why did you make it so hard? nobody can say it along with you! you scum. you're dumping bomi?

you call yourself human? yes! that's how it's done! do you know how much her medical bills are? can you afford that? medical bills? this is about money? - how much is it? / - $100,000! what was that? is this man sick? - it's too long. / - yang... let me save him.

- it's my catchphrase... / - save this skit first. heard that? it's $100,000. $100,000! it's better for me to break up with her. you... you scum... do you know how bomi is now? - it hurts, it hurts... / - that's mine. i'll do it. yet, you'll still leave bomi? you scumbag!

- gathering the power of... / - butt out! - stay out of this! / - okay, okay... that's mine! you're out of this skit! let me save him, sungkwang. please stop it! just stop it! all of you! everyone! (black snake) shocking visuals!

blood king! the chaotic group! mad skull! destroy your eardrums! dark angel! we're the death metal group black snake! welcome aboard the train to hell! our song for act 1 is lee moonse's "standing in the shade of trees."

a ballad? lee moonse? we'll sing death metal that surpasses a diss and make a fool out of lee moonse. music... 'as i smell the lilacs...' allergy! allergy! that was act 1. what? you can't believe it?

what are you glaring at? glare at us all you want. it doesn't faze us. glaring at us will only make us stronger. glare at us more! glare all you want! glare! they really glared.... i was so scared. some person even winked. a wink?

that's a good thing. it was a man. why do you care about that? you're dark angel from the fires of hell. i'm lee sundol and i'm a physical therapy major! you're the god of death metal! i'm just stocky! if you keep crying your makeup will smear. what can we do?

we signed a contract with our agency. byungchul, the ceo deceived me. he said he'd make me like the idols beast. he just made me like a beast! what is this? it's my little brother teddy. - he's my little brother! / - move it! aren't you embarrassed in front of namyong? look at namyong!

he's 45 years old and has 3 kids! but he's still standing! i can't do this anymore. my feet hurt. why are you wearing high-heeled boots? keep them off in the waiting room. - take them off! / - alright. - what is this? / - this guy... he's wearing character socks!

these aren't socks for people that play death metal! my kid likes them. geez... we can't let our fans see this. - i'm a huge fan of black snake! / - his socks... his socks... mad skull forever! hold my hand! get off me! you're crying since you're so nice...

no... he has spikes on his arm! that hurt! get ready for the late night rock festival later. byungchul. i can't go to the late night performance. why not? i have to go to early morning prayer. i go to church.

look at namyong. he's a free spirit. night or day doesn't matter, right? i can't go either. i can't see well at night. you can't see well during the day! wear glasses! when you can't see well... - have some vitamins. / - here's some water. rot in hell! rot!

rot! father god, please save that young lamb. punish us instead. it's my fault, it's my fault... - it's my fault... / - get over here. we have to do the ending performance. get ready. i won't perform. i'll just go home with teddy. bye.

no! we have the ending performance. - put that down. / - no! no! make some noise! - visually shocking! / - shocking! - the chaotic group! / - chaos! - destroy your eardrums! / - destroy! we're the death metal group black snake! (real sound)

hello! we will change the onomatopoeia you use in everyday life to be more detailed and precise. we are real sound or rs. this is today's sentence. "the siren wailed." a siren wails... isn't this a bit strange? have you ever in your life... a police car passed by and it wailed?

really? it makes that sound? that's ridiculous. there's no siren that makes this sound! to find out if a siren wails, we'll ask professor im jaebaek. to find out if a siren wails... i visited movie star lee seongyun who is good at playing doctors and asked him.

"hey, are you out of your mind?" that is all. get out. take this. never come back. wow. one vongole pasta. so! a siren does not wail. it's a bit different depending on the type of siren. first, this is the sound a fire truck makes.

you don't think so? let's hear the precise pronunciation. real sound! so how does a tow truck siren sound? tow trucks pass by fast. this is the sound it makes. that was it. how does a police car siren sound? like this.

2525, 2525. one more time. 2525. 2525, move your car! wasn't that realistic? let's move on to chapter 2! "the motorcycle went by vroom." a motorcycle passing by goes vroom. have any of you in your life

heard a motorcycle passing go vroom? what's with that? no motorcycle makes that sound! so to see if a motorcycle passing goes vroom to listen to the sounds of motorcycles, i went to chungmuro where there are many motorcycle shops. but i happened to run into the big chungmuro actor lee seongyun...

this is the last time. wow! chungmu rice rolls at chungmuro. a motorcycle passing does not go vroom. it depends on the type of motorcycle. first, this is a big motorcycle passing by. then... what does a scooter passing by sound like? let's review what we learned today. first, a fire truck siren.

a big motorcycle. a tow truck! a police car! 2525, you still haven't moved your car. a scooter! this has been real sound! thank you! say it! yes or no! say it! yes or no! say it! yes or no! hurray, korea!

as you can see, we're all one. now we will prove here that we are all one. if you feel what we say is... - oh, that's true. / - then it's "yes." - come on. no way. / - then it's "no." say it. yes or no! we can unite you all through being scared. first, there are things that girlfriends say that scare guys.

- honey. / - yeah. that bag is pretty. yes or no? she just said it was pretty but it scares you. but you make the decision... want me to buy this for you? that's okay. i don't even have shoes to wear with it. it's just acting but it gives me the chills.

this time... things your little sister says that scare you. when you're home... gag concert is funny. - taehun. / - yeah? i need to use your computer. guys should know very well why the older brother just got scared. - you should know. / - guys should know.

next is when girls get scared. i can't do this... what this is... she's not bungee jumping. oh, no... - before standing on a scale! / - oh, no! i think i gained weight! there's another one. sure feels nice to take a shower. hey, honey.

honey, i'm in front of your house. come out. i removed my makeup! i'm scared! guys, if you suddenly show up at your girlfriend's house they get scared. and... these are some things that scare guys when they're being set up with a girl. - kilee. / - yeah. want me to set you up with my friend?

sure. sounds good. is she pretty? she's nice. does this happen? yes or no? when a girl tries to set you up with her friend and she says she's either cute or nice it makes you really uneasy. we'll make you all scared with pictures. there's another one!

there's this one too! and this! so scary! this time we'll unite you all through rules in dramas. this is a rule in a melodrama. - what the... / - geez... open your eyes. - what is this woman saying? / - this woman?

- you're so crude. / - you're so rude. crude and rude always end up together. this happens. who is that, kisun? i don't know. don't worry about it. let's go. what's wrong with those girls? - what? / - what? these supporting actors become a couple too. - this happens. / - it does.

so after they fall in love and get together they run into trouble. hello? miyeong got into a car accident and she's in the emergency room? they talk on the phone announcing everything. they tell you everything! anyone can hear what's going on. when the couple goes to meet their parents...

father, please allow us to get married. i'm against this marriage. why are you against us? you two... are siblings. - we're... / - we're... - siblings? / - siblings? does this happen? yes or no? they always promote a cafe at the end.

it happens. these are the rules for children's dramas where the good guy beats monsters. anyone can see he's the monster. - what are you saying? / - you're the monster. bring it on! i can't handle this. transform into a power ranger! here i come! the monster waits. yes or no?

the monsters are so patient. then the monster ends up dying. this is for a war movie. sergeant seo! corporal kim! private kim! the main character never dies. he never gets hit by bullets. but then there's a scene where he gets hit.

they suddenly cut the sound off and they move in slow motion. then there's someone that always shows up. big brother. you have to come back alive. alright, until all of korea is united... (wiggle wiggle) wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. hey, sanghun. did you hear?

a man eats 8 sticks of lipstick in his entire life from kissing women. that's nothing... i... - ate this much. / - wow. that's all the lipstick you've ate until now? no. just what i ate yesterday. wow, wow. yeonggil.

lee nayoung is so unlucky. the first man she wakes up to every morning is him. yeah. lee nayoung is unlucky. she should've married me if she wanted to be happy. then she could wake up to... this every morning! wow, wow! i want to do dances from different countries.

all of a sudden? get ready. first... france. next is india. next is the u.s. let's do this. hey, sanghun. try controlling the women here again.

in 10 seconds i'll make all the women here scream. as a special treat i've prepared a cute and adorable doll for you all. who wants a doll? alright... over here. i'll give you a cute doll... don't be so flustered. he just needs to be wound up. better wind him up.

hey, you. you said you wanted a doll. then have one! darling, i love you! darling, i love you! see? she loved it. you're my puppet. (torch together) i didn't sleep well last night. - it's all cramped here. / - me too.

let's get massages. - ma'am, we want massages. / - okay. why are you staring? we need gowns. we don't give out gowns. get massaged in your own clothes. you don't give out gowns for a massage? everyone, get up! put your cucumbers down and stand up!

with our strength... - we'll get back our massage gowns! / - right! with our longing spirits we'll sing the massage gown song. (massage gown song) 'how can they not give out gowns for a massage?' 'this is nonsense' 'if i knew they wouldn't give out gowns' 'i would've put on body paint'

'sleeping clothes' 'long johns' 'at least let us play a game of chance' - yeah! / - yeah! it's no use! i believe that words aren't enough! when words aren't enough i believe that we should get back our gowns with action! what are you going to do?

this massage sign! in front of thai massage... i'll write muay! i'll change it to muay thai massage! want to go to the hospital after a massage? no! then this sign! 60 minute full-body massage for $4! i'll change these around!

45,000 minutes for 6 cents! want a massage that lasts all day? alright, alright! i'll give you gowns! happy? - thank you. / - geez... - so nice. / - what a nice person. - we'll start with a foot bath, ma'am. / - okay. - you go first. / - yeah. hold on. ma'am.

there's barely any water in here. your feet aren't wet. just the bottom of your feet. not even my big toe got wet... ma'am. there's not enough water in the foot bath. don't you know korea is short on water. conserve water! conserve water for a foot bath? put your cucumbers down and get up!

with our strength we'll get the foot bath water back! we'll sing the foot bath water song! (foot bath song) 'how can they give so little water for a foot bath?' 'if i knew they'd give so little water' 'i would've dipped my feet in cheonggyecheon' 'hot spring water' 'tap water' 'at least season some bean sprouts'

- stop being ridiculous! / - bean sprouts! everyone, i have something to say. so pretty. - give us a little bit more water. / - no. come on. just a bit more. acting cute is no use. i'm going to transfer my membership here... to my grandma. - no! / - no!

no, no, no! why do you think i used a brick instead of a pillow last night so that i could get a cramp? why do you think i did the "up and down" dance to throw my back out last night? - no! / - what's going on? - what's this? / - everyone! what now?

the doctor fish here! i'll feed them fish food! - they'll be too full to eat dead skin! / - no! alright, alright! i'll give you more water! happy? - thank you. / - thank you. she's so kind. ma'am, we want our free mask packs for the full-body massage. no. you used a social commerce coupon.

no packs for using a social commerce coupon? everyone, with our strength... take it! take your mask pack! take all you want! - get out! / - we hope you sell a lot. we'll be leaving now. (stockholm syndrome) yunho. look at the manager's golf club.

i want to learn to golf too. to hit away my stress! hey, hey! - goodness... / - what are you doing? oh, gosh... - you don't want any more stress? / - yes! then just quit. - you don't want to? / - no. - then organize these files! / - yes.

get to work, you freeloaders! - freeze! / - get to work! on your knees! - on your knees! / - a robber? - hands up! / - a robber... put the money in the bag! sorry! save me... she'll get suspicious if i don't pick up.

keep quiet! a real gun... where am i? i'm at the mart! enjoy your shopping, sir. you don't believe me? what are you saying? you can hear the song that's played at marts. 'research, research'

'research when you cook' see? the song... still don't believe me? no, this is a mart. they're having a sale! a sale for 5 minutes. live squid. 2 for $7 and 3 for $10. - mister seafood. / - yes? where's the shampoo?

display stand 3. where's display stand 3? in front of the register. where's the register? towards the exit. where's the exit? - i'll get it for you. / - thanks! buy one, get one free. see? got to go.

- hey! / - yes? your acting was great! so relatable! - dang it! / - what the... why'd you shout all of a sudden? i acted that my paper bag ripped. - why would you? / - right on the street... - so relatable! / - why'd you do that? my mom...

hold still. she'll go nuts if i don't pick up. hey, mom. i'm not causing trouble. i'm at the plastic surgeon with my girlfriend. there are patients that got double-eyelids. - did you get them done here? / - yes. - they look good. / - very natural. there's a patient getting wrapped in bandages.

it must've been a big surgery. now they're taking the bandages off. - time to reborn as a new person. / - yes. you'll live a new life... - let's redo the surgery. / - why? - got to go. / - why? hey! the plastic surgeon acting was great! a video call from my girlfriend!

- a video call? / - i'm at the mart! - mart! / - what should we do? what do we do? honey, i'm at the mart. you don't think i'm at the mart? cart, cart. some woman has her baby on a shopping cart and she's shopping. - buy me a hamburger! / - no!

- hamburger! / - no! i'll have the man yell at you! what? no, no... my mistake. this is a clothing store. mannequin. - here's a mannequin. / - do it. such fancy pants. i'll take this in size 30. this is the only size 30 we have left. - then i'll take that. / - okay.

are you nuts? hello, foreigner friends! i live in a country called korea. i'm jungeun. i'm haecheol. i heard there are many foreigners that want to visit korea because of k-pop and korean wave dramas. so we'll give you tips for you to get used to korean when you visit.

come visit korea! korea has great internet connectivity so the netizens are very active. because they don't have anything better to do? that's not the case. korean netizens are experts in various fields. this girl group will last 3 months at most. fortune teller.

she is so not a natural beauty. she got fat injected under her eyes, an eye job, liposuction and even a nose job! plastic surgeon. they don't make a good couple. get divorced! a judge. a and b used to date but c started to like a. b found that out and broke up with a. so a got angry and broke up with c.

then b and c ended up becoming best friends. a novelist! see? they have so many professions. chinese in the land of martial arts, come visit! you've heard of jeet kune do but i've bet you've never heard of keyboard-do. we have keyboard warriors here. next, korea has many big film festivals. but film festivals aren't the only places to see films.

you can watch all sorts of fun films at bars. okay! 1 and 3 have to kiss! "masquerade." i can't drink anymore. i'll die if i drink more. hey, drink up! we're going to drink until we die tonight! "assassination."

and even "thor!" see? you just saw 3 films already. french in the land of the cannes film festival, come visit! bet you've never blacked out while watching a film. anyone can become a movie star here. some people think that you're expected to have unnecessary credentials when getting a job here. but that's not the case at all.

they're all useful. i bought the iced americano, iced americano two shots, iced caramel macchiato, iced vanilla latte and a green tea frappuccino. 960 in toeic. miss kim. - the computer here. / - yes.

move it over there. class 1 computer utilization ability. i have to finish this by today but i have an alumni meeting... what should i do? manager, i'll do it for you. even volunteer work! see? they're all necessary credentials. lastly, we'll teach you a great tip in korean,

the language of korea. korean isn't as hard as you'd think. when you call a girl you like late at night to ask her out for a drink... hi, lady. if you have time would you come out and drink with me? that's what you say. but in korea...

asleep? that's all you need to say! but sometimes... jungeun, i got a boyfriend. don't call me anymore. okay, sleep. you can use it like that too. see? you can come visit with tips like this. our country is so fun and interesting.

(i'm a killer) - mr. song. / - yes, sir. i'm sick right now. - i'd better stay home. / - yes. i'm sure no killers would come all the way here. don't worry, sir. i'll protect you. - i trust you, mr. song. / - yes. - we're... / - brothers... - and killers. / - red, yellow and blue.

- we have... / - the best... teamwork. first, we'll put poison in the water cooler... then we'll put the water container in... and have him drink from here to finish him. - pour the poison in. / - got it. there. lift it. die...

why'd you put it in so hard? we failed. mr. song. didn't someone die over there? it's just your imagination. - i see. / - yes. this time i'll pretend to give him a heated cushion and finish him. - excuse me. / - yes.

i have the heated cushion you ordered. great! it's cold. i got him. have a seat. i bet that's warm. - i'll turn the cushion on. / - okay. what's that clicking sound? - why isn't this turning on? / - wait... wait, wait...

i feel something hot on my butt. something is hot. what's in here? excuse me... - for real? / - it should be warm. it's very different from the heated cushions i know. try warming your butt with this. i think this would kill me. have a warm winter with this.

i don't think i'll make it to winter with this. - this will cause a fire! / - sit on it... i'll give you a fire extinguisher then. a fire extinguisher? don't cause a fire from the beginning. here's the fire extinguisher. couldn't you have made it with more care? you just crossed this out and wrote fire extinguisher. - here... / - take it to your house!

you play with that alone! i failed. take all this with you! why are you glaring? mr. song... that was the... - here's some jelly. / - that's right! this jelly looks good. - we won't... / - fail...

this time. if we mix these two liquids they'll become a fatal poison. after we make the fatal poison... we just spray him to finish him. mix it. alright... mr. song! - something over there went... / - ice cream.

that's it! looks good. this time i'll pretend my arm is injured to make him want to protect me and finish him. - knock, knock. / - yes? - i live next door. / - okay. i hurt my arm. can you open this tomato juice for me? - you came over to ask me to open this? / - yes.

the tomato juice... tomato. - tomato. / - yes. you can go now. jimin's arm is hurt! feed me! - your left arm... / - feed me! - feed me! / - fine! stop it! geez! leave after you drink it.

careful... i got a call... - what did you do? / - i'm sorry. - you did that on purpose. / - i didn't! for real. i'm so sorry... i'd better wipe this... give me that! i'll wipe myself! it's a mop.

you did that on purpose. - i didn't. / - get over here. - get over here. / - sorry! - i'm sorry! / - get over here! - get over here! / - i'm sorry! (stubborn) - hello. / - hey. where are you going? i got time off from work.

i'm going on a trip. - hey, hey, hey! / - what? what? what? you can't go on a trip now. yeah, yeah. no trip. there's a census on population and housing. yeah, yeah. the census. your face is like a pig. i don't have a pig face! - i don't know about that! / - yeah.

you can't go on a trip. yeah, no trip. no trip, no violence... and you can't fly. - what? / - the plane will crash. your life is misfortunate. - alright, stop it. / - stop that! - you can't! / - wooil! - seongdong! / - wooil!

- where are you going? / - on a trip. but i was chosen as a census taker this year. i'll do the census and then go on my trip. you're working hard. how long does it last? it's done every 5 years. it's until november 15. that's the right thing to do! - work hard. / - thanks.

- what was that? / - what? why aren't you stopping him from going on a trip? he's working for the country. you work for the country too. why would i do that? then you can't go. mister, i got my first vacation in a year and i'm finally going on a trip. should you stop me like this?

- are you giving me questions? / - what? if you're so good at giving questions out do it on "1 vs. 100." - why would i do that? / - you're good at it. so i should be like... quiz show "1 vs. 100!" we have the security guy today and we'll answer some questions. here's the first question!

what do you wear on your eyes when you sleep? you can't give me a hard question like this! - blindfold! correct! / - really? - wow! / - really? here's the second question! look at the action and guess what it is. - are you insane? / - correct! you are insane. - what are you saying? / - you're ridiculous!

stop it already! i didn't live to be 100 to... - stop it... / - i said stop! - goodness... / - sir... my elbow... my elbow is killing me. no, no! my elbow doesn't hurt! it's really strong! i can break lumber with my elbow.

- you can break this? / - of course. be careful. - 1, 2... / - oops. on 3! - not on 2? / - on 3. - i thought it was 2. / - no, no. - i can do it for real. / - i'm losing my hearing... i can break marble. see?

and that's not all! i can break baseball bats. go! go! bye! how is he so good at hitting with his elbow? if he couldn't hit with his elbow well he'd have his funeral. what does that mean? i don't know about that! please, mister!

i made all the reservations! - you made reservations? / - yes. - you should've said so sooner. / - yeah. okay, okay. go on your trip. - thank you! / - but... you do the entire census before you go. how can i do that? wooil! seongdong!

where are you off to? i finished the census and i'm going on my trip. - that's the right thing to do. / - yeah. seongdong, you get two thumbs up. sure. i forgot to interview him. - sir. / - yeah? how old are you this year? - born in 1916. 100 years old. / - that's old. how about living expenses?

my son sends it to me. - how much? / - $440. come on! the number 4! not the character of death! you can't show up for this. - do you live alone? / - no, i live with him. - with who? / - no, no, no! i live alone! go! it must be my age...

getting rid of this grim reaper is killing me... i'm still strong! i can still handle two young men easily! two young men? here come two young men. please fight this old man. why are you all so stubborn? (minsang debate) hello, viewers.

i'm park yeongjin of minsang debate. i have comedians yu minsang and kim daesung with me here. for today we'll talk about what minsang wants to talk about. minsang, suggest a topic. a topic? there's nothing. no child?

there's no children? - oh! low birthrate! / - what? so you want to talk about the low birthrate that is a serious problem in society. go ahead. why me? you? - you just care about yourself? / - no... you're quite despicable, minsang.

- no... / - alright. let me ask daesung. what do you think about the low birthrate problem? i think... he's about to give birth soon. when will this baby come? - have a healthy birth. / - don't be ridiculous! stop saying weird things. alright, we'll drop this

and go right into the heated debate. you two will heatedly debate about how to solve the low birthrate problem. how would we solve this? you say something first. to solve the low birthrate problem... the answer is to have many kids. - a very precise analysis! / - what? minsang, do you have anything to say about this?

not now. no home? - what? / - no home to raise kids in? - is that it? / - what? - that's right, minsang! / - what is? the government has made a plan about giving bigger loans for housing leases to newlyweds to solve the low birthrate problem. what do you think about this?

what kind of plan is this? giving out a bigger loan for housing leases will not solve the low birthrate problem. is that it? why do you think that? what's wrong with him? what kids? they'll have to pay back the loan so they can't have kids? so you're saying this plan is bad? - no, i didn't say that. / - alright.

there are nursery schools for kids... - with childcare expenses... / - childcare costs! - cost of childcare! / - you startled me. - increase it? / - what? - increase the cost of childcare? / - no... - minsang. / - what? the government has announced that they'll organize a duplicate budget compilation for the local government and central government

to cut the cost of childcare. are you saying that this is wrong too? - well? / - dang it! dang it? viewers, minsang has expressed much... - dissatisfaction with the government plan. / - no! that's right! he's dissatisfied and obese! why are you making strange jokes? don't do this. hurry, hurry.

hurry? so get the kids in school faster, have them graduate faster so that they can start working sooner? is that it? ridiculous? how could you say that, minsang? this scholastic reform is the saenuri party's plan to solve the low birthrate problem and you're saying it's ridiculous?

why do you think that? - no... / - answer. look at me. - look at you? / - yes. - so look at you? / - yes. you graduated over 15 years ago. - what? / - just because you graduate fast... doesn't mean you get married fast? minsang...

i think you feel dispirited. don't be so dispirited. try to have some hope. why? will the country set me up with someone? - that's right, minsang! / - what? to solve the low birthrate problem the government said they'd host a group blind date. minsang seems very pleased with this plan. - no, it's not like that... / - alright.

wait. listen to me. - listen to you? / - yes. you have a good way to solve the low birthrate? - go ahead. / - no... look at me! - look into your eyes? / - what? - heo gyeongyeong! / - what? like heo gyeongyeong's plan, give away $100,000 to everyone that gets married and has a kid?

- then people will start having kids? / - what? viewers, minsang's right now opinion is totally unrelated to gag concert's director jo junhui. i just want to emphasize that these are minsang's personal opinions. this is a filmed broadcast so it can't be edited. - please be understanding. / - that's ridiculous! - moving on... / - no, no. stop it. enough.

- let's talk about something fun. / - fine. minsang, i'll give you a chance to pick the topic. - really? / - here's a, b and c. 3 topics. pick one. - the middle! b! / - b. you chose b. baby! - for the low birthrate... / - wait! i picked wrong! - c! / - you chose c.

children! - the low birthrate... / - wait! i picked wrong! i'm sorry. this is the last time. a! alright. a. - what's agi? / - baby in korean. - baby? / - let's talk about babies. wait! stop forcing it! just stop it. then let's wrap things up. as the icon of this era of low birthrate,

please say a few words, minsang. i am not the icon of low birthrate! why do you always pick on me? you're not married either. - i'm getting married. / - what? on january 23. i set a date. in the next episode i'll have minsang who promised he'd pay $1,000 in gift money... - at my wedding and talk with him. / - what?

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