liposuction singapore

liposuction singapore

the liposonix treatment is designed to deliverhigh intensity focused ultrasound energy through the skin to heat and destroy targeted fatcells, similar to the way that light can be focused through a magnifying glass to createheat. since the ultrasound energy is specifically concentrated in the fat tissue, the surfaceof the skin and surround tissue are not damaged during the treatment.the treatment head is held in place while the unique liposonix pattern generator automaticallymoves the high frequency ultrasound transducer, treating a consistent uniform area of abdominalfat tissue. the operator then moves the head to the next treatment area. this process continuesuntil all sites are treated. once the fat tissue is destroyed, the body's natural inflammatoryprocess takes over and the remaining lipids

and cellular debris are brought to the liverwhere the body naturally processes them. over time, the treated tissue contracts, leavingyou with a thinner, more contoured waistline.

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