liposuction san diego

liposuction san diego

dr. jeffrey umansky: breast augmentation isa procedure for women to enlarge their breasts. there's a number of reasons why women maywant this. it may be that they've had childbirth and have lost some of the breast tissue withbreastfeeding; maybe they were born with smaller breasts and just wish to fit into clothesbetter. whatever the reason, we're here to help provide that service for you. the processof breast augmentation starts with a consultation where we'll go over your desired look. we'llalso talk about whether you want silicone or saline breast implants, as there are plussesand minuses to both implants, and it's really important to choose one that's right for'll have a sizing where you'll put on a surgical bra, and we'll actually try on differentsize breast implants as this is the best way

to choose the size that's going to make youhappy. after that you'll meet with one of our consultantswho'll go over the process and scheduling, and after that we will see you in our operatingroom where we will provide the procedure as requested. the procedure usually lasts anhour to an hour and a half, and this is followed by a recovery in our office of about 45 minutesto an hour. after that you'll go home, and you'll be seen the next day for a quick checkby the physician. the recovery for breast augmentation is anywhere from two to fourweeks with limited use of your upper body muscles as we want the implants to fall intothe desired location. the results with breast augmentation willbe amazing. i've seen some patients come in

with a totally different body language andself-esteem that is really quite satisfying to see from the surgeon's perspective. people'spersonalities change, they become a lot more bubbly, a lot more outgoing, and i think theyjust feel better acclimated for social interactions. there's so many nice outfits that women areable to wear after breast augmentation, that they weren't able to fit into before, andi think it's really nice when they can come in and be wearing nice tops and feel realcomfortable in their own skin.

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