liposuction repair

liposuction repair

andrew ordon: we have doctor ourian and his patient angelain our procedure room in back right now, and doctor ourian, you're about to perform lipofreezeon angela, correct? simon ourian: correct, this is one of the most fantastictreatments i have come across that is non-invasive and painless. the way it works is that weare going to cut, put this protective sheet right on top of the skin which causes theskin to stay nice and warm while we start to use the freezing temperature which is thelipofreeze to cool off the area on the skin. this is very, very sub-zero temperate thatcauses the fat cells underneath the skill

to become completely frozen, and your bodyin a short period of time starts to scavenge it and get rid of it in a matter of two tothree weeks. we've talked about melting fat cells, sonow we're talking about freezing them based on the principle that if you make fat cellscold enough down in the dermis they will die and the body has the ability, those littlescavenger cells to clean up those dead fat cells. doctor ourian brought some picturesof patients he has treated, let's take a look at somebody who was treated with lipofreeze.take a look before, take a look after. this is a great way of looking at it. if yousee, this treatment was done on the patient who had two _______ only.

this may be a great procedure if it's combinedwith a good diet and exercise for somebody that really isn't that big, figure your diets and exercise and combine that. so interesting procedure, thank youso much doctor ourian. thank you so much, great to meet you. [end of audio]

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