liposuction recovery process

liposuction recovery process

so mommy makeover is an operation where wedo the breast surgery, either a lift or reduction or an augmentation, combined with some procedureon the tummy, either liposuction or tummy tuck. patients ask me all the time, "what'sthe recovery like? is it twice as hard to have both operations at once?" and the answeris no, having two operations at the same time, the recovery is the same as just having the recovery for a breast reduction is one or two weeks, the recovery for a tummytuck is one or two weeks. if we do both operations at the same time, it's the same two with one recovery period you're recovering from two operations and it's not twice aspainful, and it's not twice as hard, so it's actually easier to do both operations at thesame time. and that's why mommy makeover is

so popular and really really common thesedays. that's mommy makeover recovery.

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