liposuction on thighs

liposuction on thighs

the buttock area is an area that should rarelybe done with liposuction. women many times say they want their buttock done, but in essencewhat they want is to get a smaller but that is more defined. typically the way you dothat is by doing the area around the buttock. to do the upper-outer area, which is the hipand flank area. to do the upper - outer thigh area, the saddle bag area. to sometimes dothe upper thighs or the area below the upper thighs called the banana roll or the posteriorupper thighs. by doing those areas, in most people, you’re going to make the butt lookbetter and more defined and smaller. but, there are some patients who can be acandidate for liposuction of the buttocks specifically. typically who is a candidatefor buttock surgery is someone who has a very

large protuberant buttock. so one that isactually quite firm, that really sticks out a lot and there’s a good fat layer on topof it. by doing it properly, you can sort of deflate the buttock without flatteningit so it will retain a nice round shape and give it a more defined look. so rarely issomeone a candidate for buttock liposuction and it’s got to be done just right so thatyou do not have any irregularities whatsoever.

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