liposuction on chin

liposuction on chin

did anyone say swollen? so this is me the day after my surgery. as you can see i'm extremely swollen. and bumpy. i'm gonna zoom in here. i got to take the bandages off. to have a shower and clean myself. so i figured i should make a new video real quick. before i put the bandages back on. and i just think it's terrifying how swollen i am. but it's a normal part of the healing process.

yesterday, i haven't been in any pain. at all, or at least since the surgery. it mostly just numbness, stiffness and uncomfortableness. it doesn't feel good. but i'm not in pain, which is really nice. i have a tough time sleeping. since you have to lay on your back. you can't lie down with your cheeks down on the pillow. (it might move the implant) so i think that i slept for about four hours tonight. i look like crap but i actually feel really good. i have a much easier time eating. i can open my mouth more.

:o than yesterday.. so i have stuffed myself with yogurt, i was so hungry this morning because i couldn't really eat yesterday. i have also been using some creams. that my doctor gave me. i have a lot more but they don't fit into this bag. they were included in the price which is really good. there are some that reduce swelling, some that reduce discoloration as you can see here. i'm kind of red. but i'm actually pretty fortunate because a lot of people turn blue and green. i don't have any of that. but i am seeing some crazy results.

in my profile already. i have a much more masculine chin and this part is so much better than it was before. i'm going to insert some pictures so you can see. first one is in the car on my way to the surgery, second one is today. so i am feeling great. i just have to wait for the swelling to go down. and that's it for now. see you later.

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