liposuction on belly

liposuction on belly

i'm 54 years old. i've had 4 children. my first one was a c-section over the years, even though the scar is not visible .. it still bothered me because of the pooch that i had so i did seek out a plastic surgeon to look into getting a tummy tuck but i wasn't crazy about how the scar would be from hip to hip it is mayor surgery i came to infini cosmetic associates i had seen dr. shuell

and he reassured me that i didn't need tummy tuck that i could just do it with liposuction he could take some of my hips maybe put a little back on the back of the booty doing a fat transfer and maybe giving the body back that i had prior to having my children josie is going to have liposuction and fat transfer to the buttocks josie is like so many middle-aged women who come to us having had a few babies perhaps with a cesarean or a hysterectomy scar

and that scar progressively causes the fat to roll up over the top of it bothering them immensely so what we plan to do, is take fat where she doesn't need it where it's causing her some problems and putting it into her buttocks not for the purpose of making her fat but for the purpose of giving her the most beautiful figure and buttocks that she could possibly have an individual i love my results!

my main concerns where my tummy, little love handles that i had you know the little pooch that i had over my incision from my c-section and now with the results that i've gotten my children noticed the difference my husband noticed the difference my clothes fit me better and i know that with time it's going to get better and better dr. shuell was great my nurse wanda was wonderful and far exceeding my expectations

i couldn't be happier

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