liposuction of flanks

liposuction of flanks

liposuction is a procedure which can be performedin many different areas throughout the body. it could be the removal of a small amountof fat beneath the chin or regions of the arms, the chest, the trunk and flank areasor even the buttocks and thighs. when we perform a consultation, we’ll takea look at those body regions and hope that we find an area of extra fat but also skinthat is nice and tight and elastic overlying that area. that’s because skin that is tighterdoes better when we remove that extra volume. we’ll take a look during the consultationand i’ll be able to personalize the information to each individual so that a patient can emergefrom a consult really understanding how good of a candidate they are for a liposuctionprocedure or in some cases whether we need

to consider a different procedure please feel free to give us a phone call and come in for a consultation and we cantalk specifically about what’s going on in the problem areas for your body and whatpotentially could be done.

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