liposuction new jersey

liposuction new jersey

hi, i’m dr farkas and welcome to the breslowcenter. i’d like to talk to you a little about anexcellent operation called the brazilian butt lift. the brazilian butt lift is a procedure thathelps you enhance the overall volume and shape of your buttocks, using fat from other areasof your body through liposuction fat harvest. the fat is then reinjected to recontour yourbuttocks, giving you more volume and a better shape. the best brazilian butt lifts are performedon patients when they are really at their optimal body weight - not severely overweight,because the fat graft, which only ends up

taking 50-60 percent most of the time, theother 40 percent is reabsorbed into the body, will fluctuate over weight shifts. so for example if you end up losing 25 poundsafter you have had a brazilian butt lift operation, then all the volume from the augmentationwill not persist. the brazilian butt lift operation consistsof aggressive liposuction of your upper and lower back, as well as your abdomen and flanksif possible, to be used to harvest the fat for grafting, which is then injected in multiplelayers using a micro droplet technique for optimal harvest intake throughout the areaof your gluteus muscle. it is very important to have people do thisoperation that have been well trained in performing

such a procedure. as with all surgical procedures, it can bedangerous. the brazilian butt lift operation is an excellentbody contouring operation. as far as recovery is concerned, patientswill have to recover on their belly for about two weeks’ time, and wear a compressiongarment for up to six weeks to help with some of the swelling and discomfort. patients express very high satisfaction withthis procedure. it can get them to their body contouring shapethat they are looking for. i hope to see you here in person so we cantalk more.

take care, thanks!

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