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hi, day 1 after surgery. um, i feel like the surgery went really well. i think it went for about, ah, 5 hours i'm pretty sure. yeah i'm actually feeling better than i thought. um, i just feel like i've been to the gym and done the hardest work out i've ever done. um, my body all over is really really sore but it feels like a really, really, really, really hard workout. i've been a bit nauseous today and slept a bit, i think

it's due to a long general anaesthetic. i think the surgery went a bit longer than they thought only because i had so much done. but yeah, generally, besides feeling nauseous from the anaesthetic i actually feel quite good. i couldn't, you know, go out for a coffee but you know i ah, yeah i feel ok. this is the um, garment [laughs] this i'm wearing for the next, i don't know, 4 days.

so um, yeah. that's interesting. but besides that yeah all is good and i'll talk to you tomorrow. hi, day 2 of my video diary today i've been feeling pretty much the same as yesterday. i'm quite nauseous again um, dr chan recommended or said that i'm probably dehydrated. because every time i stood up i got light headed, so i got some hydralyte. i've been having that today. i managed to eat more today than i had the day before.

since i had the hydralyte i feel a lot better my body overall is sore. i obviously know i've had something done to my body. it's not, you know excruciating or anything i'm actually going to my aunty's for dinner tonight so you know i'm doing my first outing. um yeah, so yeah i look forward to seeing you tomorrow. bye! hi, day 3. today's probably been the worst day of the lot.

um, i've still been in bed a bit and quite nauseous. i think that my body suit is just so tight it's just really really irritating. i just want to take it off. i'm starting to feel itchy underneath as well obviously i'm healing so, um, yeah. tomorrow i go an have my massage and get this body suit taken off and the next one put on, so. hopefully that will make me feel better i just had a sandwich and i've just been trying to drink a lot of water today.

um, yeah but overall i'm still feeling pretty average yeah i was hoping that today i would have been able to get up and around and maybe go out. last night i went out to my aunty's and that was ok, i had a really good meal up there and sat there. and that was all good, but yeah, this morning i just felt you know, pretty shocking again i do have a cold so maybe that's not helping um, but yeah, all good. i'll talk to you tomorrow. bye

day 4 after my surgery. today i'm feeling much better i think yesterday was probably my worst day. at about 10 o'clock last night i got really hungry. i got up and cooked some food for myself and ate probably a first proper meal. um, this morning i woke up early and went to the nurse today and got my suit taken off and got all the foam taken out and got another one put in so i'm feeling a lot better today. yeah i've driven the car today and i've been doing jobs around the house

and feeling much better, i do feel like myself again. my body is still in a bit of pain but i'm not taking the panadeine forte either now so um yeah i'm not feeling zonked out. hi. i think it's day 5 today. i had my first shower today. i've been driving around doing kinda runs i even worked today. um, my nanna had a fall and needed eleven stitches in

her elbow and i had to race around for her as well, so even if i was sore today i had to suck up and you know, get on with life. so i'm still a bit sore, i'm on no pain relief now so as i said i had a shower so i'm feeling good! um i'm starting to get back to normal. yeah last night i couldn't lay on my side i had to have panadeine forte when i went to bed because it was a bit sore, but besides that

um yeah, life pretty much going back to normal. i'm starting to get my energy back. and feeling good. and yeah i'll talk to you tomorrow! bye! hi! day 6, feeling awesome! and life's back to normal. of course i still have a bit of tenderness and a bit of numbness throughout my body. i get my stitches out tomorrow so feeling pretty good. but yeah, i had kinda duty today

cleaning the house, all you know the mum stuff that you do every day running errands, i've done everything as usual. i forgot about my pain and ran after my 2 year old for a couple of, well maybe 30 seconds and quickly realised that running is probably not the best thing to do right now. but besides that i'm feeling good. um, being able to shower daily is also very good. and i'll see you tomorrow. bye.

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