liposuction malaysia

liposuction malaysia

in this video, we are looking at how to construct an in-ear monitoring system using a cl console and klang:fabrik. firstly, we must consider the networking. we need to keep latency low, so the musicians feel comfortable. use the minimum dante latency setting, and connect all monitor mixing equipment to just one network switch. i suggest you use yamaha swp1 with dante preset a, so there are going to be 2 vlans. we will keep audio and control separate. connect one dante port from each device to vlan1, and connect the control ports to vlan2. also connect your wi-fi router to vlan2. i am using an apple airport express, because it is easy to setup from an ipad or iphone.

we need a computer connected to the dante network just for the initial setup to run dante controller software. download it from "". we are going to double-click on klang:fabrik, and in the device config, we set the latency to the minimum possible setting. then we go to network config, and select for the switch configuration either "switched detached control" or "redundant detached control". "switched" in this case means daisy-chain mode, so match that setting to the other dante devices. now let's think about the audio routing. in its default setting, klang:fabrik can receive 24 channels, and will make a 3d headphone mix for 8 performers. so, what audio are you going to send from the console? in most cases, i imagine the sends should be direct outputs pre-fade but post-eq.

but sometimes, you may want to send a pre-fade stereo sub-group of multiple channels. anyway, let's start by setting up some direct outputs. select an input and look at the channel view. then open the direct out popup. select the position, switch it on and make the patch. dante 1-32 are preset for mix and matrix outputs, so let's start with dante 33. now, do the same for the other channels. here's some advice. if you want to send reverb and other effects to the in-ears, it is best to return the effects to paired mono channels,

because the 8 stereo channels actually don't include direct outputs. now mount the klang:fabrik device in the dante setup, device mount, and online device list. here it is, ok. now, we can go to i/o device and make dante patch. now make the patch from the console's dante output to klang:fabrik's dante input. i'm using the klang:app on an ipad for control. the klang devices use the same automatic network setup method as the computers and smart mobile devices, which is called dhcp. so we don't need to play around with ip addresses. just make sure your wi-fi router is able to dish out ip addresses both to wired and wireless devices.

i am running the apple airport in "dhcp and nat" mode, and connecting via the lan port. when you open the klang:app, it will automatically discover the device. press and hold config, then select admin mode to make the initial setup. check the routing menu. the clock must be locked to dante, and dante must be routed to the dsp, while the dsp is routed back to dante outputs and also to the da converters. by the way, here we are routing in blocks of 8-channels. in the connect page, give a name and icon for each output to match the performers. save the last one for the sound engineer.

to save time, i'm going to recall a preset i made earlier. this will include all the customizable channel names, colors, groups, levels, and pan settings. you can see how to set all this up from the information at klang's website. a good monitor engineer will want to have access to each performer's mix. with klang you can! setup one mix for the monitor engineer, and set it as the cue output. do this by pressing and holding the channel along the top until it turns purple. then, any other channel that you select has its audio sent to the engineer's output. this is only available in config modes for technician and admin.

to get the cue output from klang:fabrik back to the console, the easiest way is to use 2 analog xlr cables connected from fabrik to the omni inputs. on the console, open the monitor menu, and select an omni in as the source. this means that whenever there is no channel cued on the console, the cue output of klang:fabrik will be heard. open the monitor popup and make sure cue interruption is on and the monitor fader is turned up. either use the headphone socket of the console, or patch the monitor to an output that is connected to your own iem transmitter. that's it: incredible interactive 3d monitoring via dante. console, network, processor, control device, and audio technician, working together in harmony!

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