liposuction love handles

liposuction love handles

well it's something that i've always thoughtabout. i have a short torso and i've always had, no matter what i do, have a little bitof love handle. i can to the gym every single day, i can diet, i can do whatever i wantand it just doesn�t go away. i spoke with doctor galumbeck and he obviously qualifiedme as a candidate. he said you are a good candidate. it�s not a matter that i needto lose weight. i mean like my weight is basically stayed the same since i was in high waist size is still thirty two. it�s not a matter that i am lazy and i want tolose weight. i think more and more men are looking for ways to make themselves feel betterabout themselves. i met with doctor galumbeck and we really discussed why i wanted to doit. i saw some of the techniques that he was

using. i felt confident not only in his credentialsas a plastic surgeon but also the things that he was telling me that i need to do. he explainedto me that is an issue of contour. it's not an issue that you really want to lose weightand this is an easy way to do it. and he asked me the reasons behind why i wanted to do this.i had liposuction done on my love handles. the reason that i did it was for me. i hadno other reason than this is something that has bothered me for my entire life. as i'vegotten older it's become more prominent and no matter how much exercise i do or diet,it doesn't go away. i consulted with doctor galumbeck and he felt that this was the properthing to do. it's made a world of difference in how i feel about myself and improved myconfidence level. you know, i guess anything

like this, you really have some sort of mentalimage what this is going to be like. but the first time that it took the brace off. youknow, after surgery you wear a little brace for awhile and i was just amazed at that pointeven though i was completely still swollen um at the results that i had that that reallypremature stage. about a month after it was over, i really can tell the difference. myclothes are fitting different. i really saw a noticeable difference. and still you knowi still have a little bit of swelling left but overall i was very, very pleased withthe results.

1 comment:

  1. Great Info, Love Handles liposuction procedure is quite quick and is completed within few hours You can resume your work as soon as possible after the surgery.
