liposuction loans

liposuction loans

we listen to your concerns. national counseling session! the studio is so bright. - gorgeous men and women. / - a new set, too. yes, the set changed. it's fancy and nice. the original pretty boy. park gwanghyun! it's been a long time!

sexy idol. kwon sohyun! hello. he's in these days. he's so cute and handsome. actor kim hyeseong! sensitive vocalist, kim kyungrok of v.o.s! gwanghyun, it's been a really long time. it looks like you ate preservatives. you haven't aged at all.

how old are you? me? i'm forty now. really? (a side effect from the preservatives - frozen) you were antsy before the show? i almost didn't make it. my wife is expecting to deliver. is it past the due date?

the baby was due yesterday. you might have to leave in the middle of the show? if i disappear, i'll be at the hospital. we'll have to understand that. people are more important than the show. we should call hyeseong 'little prince'. that's the image he has. i'm thirty now. - thirty? / - you're thirty?

oh, boy. he doesn't look forty and he doesn't look thirty. i'm feeling the weight of life. how should i live life… how should you live life? just eat. the 4minute members are cute individually, but the group as a whole is sexy. does that give you pressure?

it's comfortable. it's a bit uncomfortable when girl groups go out for a drink. but 4minute has a strong image, so it's alright. are you really strong? not really. you're feminine by nature? it's not that either. - it's not that? / - no, we're just women.

that image is good. v.o.s. got together after a long time, right? yes, we're back as a whole group in 7 years. - park jiheon, too? / - yes. it's been a while. sing for us. our title song is "the only one for me". ("the only one for me" / v.o.s.) (nice)

(passionate singing with emotion) (he is kim kyungrok indeed) it's been a while since you appeared. did you have a drink before coming? no. why is your face so red then? it's been so long. i'm sweating. he really enjoys watching the show. he wanted to be in the audience.

i really asked if i could be. - in the audience? / - yes. the agency said no. (this is our spot) what is your concern these days? when i lie on the electric heating pad, my body gets numb as if i'm electrocuted. electrocuted? you mean like this?

the heating pad is broken. get a new one. i did, but i still get numb. then get a hot water mat. i'm still making installment payments on the pad. my legs keep getting numb. i wake up. that's a concern. it's a serious concern. nobody ever tells their serious concerns. every time he goes fishing,

he takes a rubber boat. he has two kayaks! (one isn't enough) a really fast boat hit me. i became unconscious. the sun was shining. it was like a movie. i thought it looked nice. did your husband change? yes, he changed a lot.

when i asked him to stop kayaking, he just ignored me before. he promised he would only go to rivers and lakes. you'll only go kayaking on lakes now? rivers and lakes? yes… (hey…) let's see if she wins a second time. the winner receives a prize worth $1,000.

let's see what today's concerns are. show us. three concerns. 'say i'm upset'. 'lifetime enemy'. 'give her back'. hello, i'm a man in the 30's who has been dating for 3 years now. it's an lte generation, but we lasted long because i was patient all the time.

it was really nice in the beginning. "i made your favorite. spicy chicken." "i feel full just watching you eat." "i'll give you a massage." "does it feel good?" "you're the only one for me." do you know how she is now? "the remote control, the remote control!" "the remote control!"

"give me the remote control!" (transformation) who is this? i'm doing the dishes. it's right there. "i don't want to get up." "give me the remote control. hurry up!" i was irritated, but i got it for her. "water!"

"give me water!" "water! i'm thirsty! water!" did she suddenly go crazy? did she? "rub my feet! harder!" "makeup! remove my makeup!" what? "there's some left by my nose. remove it well." is she sick?

she asks me to do everything for her. if i held her hand in the beginning… "stop it. it's embarrassing." she was so shy, but now… "hug me! hug me!" that's scary. that's what it says! "hug me when i ask nicely!" it really says that.

really. look. she completely changes in front of my friends. "here's your spoon and chopsticks." "drink some water." "you should wrap the meat." "is it good?" "your girlfriend is so nice." "you're so lucky." she acts so nice in front of other people.

at home, once again… "didn't i tell you to throw away the food trash?" "didn't i!" how can a person be so different? please give me back my old girlfriend. hug me. that's unbelievable. hug me when i ask nicely! when i ask nicely. - you got married a year ago. / - yes.

did your wife change? i showed her how i'd change when we dated. - you? / - yes. if i became nice gradually, it's a good change. sure. i'm still loved. you're wise. how mean were you? buy something!

buy it for me! she must be upset you don't yell at her now. she asks why i became so nice. she could like being yelled at. she could have boasted that it was charming. he's so nice now. he told me to hug him when he asked nicely. (oh, boy) it reminds me of sean.

he's close with his wife. he didn't fart in front of her for a really long time. his wife went in the room. he was in the living room by himself, so he farted. but his wife suddenly came out. he panicked and… that nice guy... (a beat box festival)

he didn't want to ruin the image? he pretended to do the beat box. true colors start to show after a while. it sounds like she has multiple personalities. really. i'm really surprised. let's meet the boyfriend. come on out! (who is suffering because his girlfriend changed?) (choi jihyeok)

(large strides) when did your girlfriend start to change? we dated for almost 1,000 days. she changed about a year ago. you heard dongyeop read your concern, right? it's not that bad, is it? it's worse. - it's worse? / - yes. how did she change?

we're 4 years apart in age. she called me oppa or honey. a year ago, she started saying hey. if i pretend not to hear her, she says you! oppa, honey, hey, you? yes. we're living together since we'll get married. but i wonder if i'm her boyfriend or

her servant. she treats me like a servant. hug me when i ask nicely. what is that situation? i go to the bathroom when i wake up. she's just lying in bed. i'm moving about. "what are you doing? get over here." i pretend not to hear her. "hey! come when i ask nicely!"

it hurts my pride. as soon as you wake up. i feel like a fool. you should tell her. ask me nicely. i pretended to give in. - and you hug her? / - no, i don't hug her. i lean like this. his last pride.

i just fall in her embrace. she puts her legs on me. i have to massage her feet. you have several concerns. another guest suffered because of foot massages. he massaged her feet for an hour a day. i give a massage for 5 hours. every day? (shock!)

about 1-2 hours in the morning and at night, until she falls asleep. was there anything excessive? she called me urgently from the bathroom. she said there was a serious problem. the toilet was clogged. she told me to unclog it. - when it was full of her… / - yes. (i don't even want to think about it)

i said it was gross. do you know what she said? "don't you love me?" you don't love her poop. let's meet the girlfriend. he said you changed a lot. do you admit it? i don't think it's such a serious concern. you didn't change? i'm just a bit stronger.

why do you have to be stronger? he's a bit short-tempered. i couldn't say anything at one time. are you getting revenge? it's not revenge. you had to hold it in? i did, but he listens now. that's why. he provided the cause.

she felt weak before. i got into trouble a bit before. i felt sorry, so i wanted to be nice. but she's too strong now. i deleted all the numbers from my phone. women? no, not just women. i deleted all the numbers. why?

she doesn't like me meeting other people. even men and friends? she only wants me to care about her. she looks at my texts. if she sees a woman's name, i have to call her and say i have a girlfriend. when there's no reason to? what am i supposed to say to her? i have a girlfriend. so what?

did you actually call someone? i called in front of her. hello, do you remember me? i have a girlfriend. (that must have been surprising) i got a call to remove my car. (then?) it was a number i didn't know. and?

call! call! "what are you talking about?" i'm sorry. i had to show her. why are you so suspicious? he becomes a fool. he's like that, too. (huh?) (he's like that, too?) he's like that to me, too. when? before or now?

before. it's not as bad, but he was like that before. tell us. he's friendly to women. if we go to a restaurant or a store, he tells the female employees happy new year. i do that, too. me, too. why do you do that?

to wish them a happy new year. it's to wish them a happy new year. i just remembered something. we went to a restaurant once. the employee said to enjoy the meal. i just said thank you. my girlfriend didn't eat. she wanted stir-fried pork. she asked me why i smiled at the employee.

what did you do? thank you. that's all. you should have said thank you. i have a girlfriend. this is my girlfriend. you shouldn't be friendly to other women when you have a girlfriend. do you want him to be rude? thank you. thank you! i'll enjoy the meal.

he unnecessarily starts a conversation first. for example? happy new year. you're working hard. he's very polite. doesn't everyone do that? you can't tell an employee to work hard. work hard! she's nice in front of other people? i don't know why.

she does what she wants when we're alone. when there are other people, look at her now. she's acting really polite. she's recognized as a nice person by others. she was mad she couldn't eat what she wanted on christmas eve. i didn't care. my phone buzzed. she said she uploaded a picture

and told me to press the heart. when we had a fight. (i'm in no mood to do that!) what picture was it? he brought it. you look close. it was from before. then we went to the restaurant. you fought, but she uploaded that?

look at what she wrote. after the fight. it's already our third winter together. let's be happy for a long time. it's really frustrating. other people only see that. - they think you're close. / - yes. did you do that to make him feel better? why did you upload that after a fight? it was christmas. i had to upload something.

why did you do it at that time? i wasn't thinking about it. you're not dating to show other people. other people don't have to know we fought. (are we a show window couple?) i'm curious why you're different in front of others. because of his image. he shouldn't look so weak.

is it alright for him to be weak at home? you should be just as nice at home. he shouldn't be so weak. he'll take it as a matter of course. is there something you want to say? i can't cut her off. she'll yell at him if he cuts her off. he asked me if he could say something. was he that rude in the beginning?

i… (i can't talk again) he changed when he drank. how? he fought a lot with people. (i'm going to lose control again) what do you want to say? she can do what she wants when we're out. i want her to be nice when we're alone.

i want her to respect me. she should respect me a bit. do i have to say this? you're the one who sent the concern. the family members are here. who are they? my brother-in-law and my sister. (hello) you heard everything.

he's a troublemaker. she was mature. i thought it was nice. i think of her as a sister. did you know any of this? no. it's the first i'm hearing of it. i didn't know she had two faces. okay. what about the brother-in-law? did your wife change after you got married? hm…

(okay) she didn't get mad when we dated. but now, when i get home after work, "why didn't you recycle? when will you do it?" "how long are you going to wait?" that's nothing. the husband can recycle. there's more. should i send a concern? they're going to get married.

you must have something to say. our mother was against her. they broke up for about half a year. i kept convincing my mom. i asked her how she would feel if someone's parents were against me. so they ended up dating again. i wish they'd get married soon. what do you think? mother will see this.

i don't know what the concern is. he said you treat him like a servant. it's a concern! he listens now. he's a bit more humble. you're going to get married. you'll have a baby. if this stacks up, you'll live hating each other. it could turn into a really bad situation. is there something you don't want to change?

what do you want to be like the past? i can accept her getting mad at me. i don't want her appearance to change more. (what is he talking about?) what are you talking about? does she keep getting shots? - no more. / - plastic surgery? i don't want her face to change anymore. did her face keep changing?

she doesn't discuss it? she had a complex because of her chin. she wanted to cut it. she kept saying that. i told her to try losing weight. she said she couldn't give up eating. we agreed to a liposuction. she came back the next day bandaged up. she was bandaged up.

she got a liposuction and cut her jaw. (without fear) she got a loan. she got a loan? i only slept for 3 hours for a year and 4 months. to pay back the loan? she couldn't work looking like that. you paid back the loan? getting a loan for plastic surgery is a bit…

i was going to pay it back, but i couldn't. i thought he'd be happy if i looked prettier. he wants you to stop. you want more plastic surgery? braces. she already made an appointment. - for braces? / - yes. that costs a lot. he said he'd pay for it.

look at his sister. she's changing her mind. why did you say you'd pay for it? in august last year, her best friend got her braces off. she thought it was really pretty. she begged me for 4 months. i was firm about it. she treated me as if i didn't exist.

she didn't talk to me. she even ate by herself. that's not good. you should eat together. that's really mean. when do you feel loved by her? i don't these days. did you ever think about breaking up? i'd be lying if i said i didn't.

i wondered if i should end it. then i figure she'll change. i just agonize over it by myself. you want her to know how you feel right now. i want her to be shocked. that's how far i thought. i wouldn't have dated her if she was like that from the start. she wasn't like that. she changed.

(it's not going to be easy) did you know he was thinking that? he said that when i got the jaw procedure. (gee…) i never thought it was that serious. do you think it's serious now? it's not just plastic surgery. it's everything. it's a red light on your relationship. i'm not sure.

- you don't realize it? / - no. he's telling his deep feelings on national tv. you still don't get it? the sister's expression completely changed. their parents won't be happy. things could get tough if you don't change. you shouldn't be so complacent. i'm curious. when you get married, what kind of a wife do you want to be?

i should be nice like i do when we go out. after you get married? we can't break up then. are you saying you could break up now? you never know. i must have gotten too far ahead. i wish they could find a compromise. tell her what you want. it was my birthday recently.

coincidentally, my birthday is january 1. our family got together, but she… tell her. hayeong. i know it's upsetting for you, but i have to care for you and my family. i'm the oldest son. i wish you'd be a bit more understanding. i'm lacking, but i'll make an effort.

concede a bit for my sake. what happened on january 1? she wanted to go to the east coast to see the sunrise. she wanted to be with me. love is about understanding and being considerate. there's so much i want to say, but there isn't enough time. i'm sure everyone is a bit frustrated.

anyway, if you think it's a concern, press the button. i think it's a problem that should be solved, so i won't say it's a concern. it's not enough to say it's a concern? right. i think it's a serious concern. i think it's a concern, too. it's a concern.

if one person only gives all the time, a point of exhaustion will come. open your heart and think what you want. if you can understand his concern, press the button! (what does the audience think?) 5. 4. 3.

2. 1. stop! a few people figured it was no use pressing. they gave up? yes, a few did. say what you want to your boyfriend. i'll try to be considerate like before. i hope our relationship will last.

be a bit more specific. i won't order you around as much. that's a step of improvement. how many votes did he get? show us the result! will it be 1? 7. (a new winner with 177 votes?) 117.

(eliminated) (survives) the title is 'lifetime enemy'. hello, i'm a housewife living in daegu. i lived a diligent life for the past 26 years supporting my husband and raising the children. i finally felt i was freed when my daughter got married, but! "mom, it's an emergency."

"i cut my finger. it hurts. get over here." (the daughter calls again) "mom, it's really urgent." "my husband is working late." "i'm too scared to sleep by myself." "come over quickly!" my married daughter keeps calling me. when she was pregnant with her first child, "mom, it's urgent!"

what's so urgent at this early hour? "i really want to eat goldfish bread." "buy some and bring it over quickly." the vendor just came out to work. i waited an hour to get her the bread. that's absurd. after she had the baby, "mom, it's really urgent this time." "your grandchild is going to die."

"there's blood everywhere. hurry!" when i rush over, "mom, the baby pooped." "change the diaper." i had to go for a cancer exam one day. "mom, mom!" "it's urgent. the baby's sick." "i have to take the baby to the hospital." i have an urgent situation, too.

i have to go to the hospital myself. "you're supposed to be my mom." "take my daughter first, then go!" what did i do to deserve this? i raised her with care. it's so pathetic. my daughter, i'm going to live my life. listen. raise your child yourself! she's relying on her mom too much.

was she raised that way? did any of you rely on your parents? i had an alliance with my mother. an alliance? when father came home drunk, we split his money. the money in his wallet? he doesn't remember how much he had in his pockets.

that. let's meet the mother who is suffering because her daughter calls all the time. (who is suffering because her married daughter calls all the time?) (lee jongsuk) hold her hand. (i'm reminded of my mom) you must have a lot stacked up inside.

nobody can believe this. she grew up like a princess. - she was raised preciously. / - yes. i thought i'd be free when she got married. she's been married for 4 years. she always calls me. she calls when she goes for nail art or yoga. she calls all the time. they take me with them when

they go to the dry sauna. that must be nice. - you think so? / - yes. it's to watch the baby. you watch the baby at the dry sauna? that way, they can relax in comfort. do you live close by? about 10 minutes by car. daughters should live far away.

(they normally don't live that close) she must give you allowance. she should. she doesn't give me anything. she considers my money to be hers, too. that's bad. she only thinks about getting more out of me. your son-in-law must give it to you. that's a secret.

there's an alliance here, too. don't watch the baby. she calls for help. i have to. you raised her too preciously. i did. she's the only one who went wrong. this is the result of being raised preciously. this is like a special episode of such people. what if you're meeting your friends?

i wish she wouldn't call me then. she texts me when i'm eating. "mom, hurry over. it's urgent." my friends say my daughter always says that. they tell me to blow her off. they're true friends. - moms say that? / - yes. they tell me to ignore it. then she calls.

they tell me to just go. it ruins the gathering. when i go… she wants you to change the diaper? she said she couldn't sleep because the baby cried all night. she had to sleep because she was tired. she wanted me to watch the baby. she called you so she could sleep? she has two children.

if i carry one, the other one wants to be hugged. i have to hold the both of them. - when your daughter is sleeping? / - yes. let's meet the daughter. what is the problem? hello. nobody's clapping. (they reluctantly clap) they didn't clap. (listen carefully today)

why do you call her all the time? i got married early. when? i was twenty-two. i needed her help a lot. - because you didn't know? / - right. still, you shouldn't call when she's with friends. i was really tired. the baby woke up every hour. didn't you think about being independent?

i don't intend to. until the children go to middle school. (what is she saying?) - middle school? / - yes. there's something my mom always says. she tells me to raise my own children. she tells me not to call her. but i'm her child and i need her. i want her to do it.

(unbelievable) if you ask for so much help, you should give her allowance. she has to buy snacks. i gave her money. - allowance. / - that's for your children. you should give her money. for her efforts. you should at least give her $50 to go for a bath on the way home.

or to buy clothes. i never did that. or to go out with your father. move your hand. (what a sensitive man) why didn't you give her money? she's my mom. i shouldn't have to pay her. you should give her more since she's your mom. i took it as a matter of course.

you should pay her as a matter of course. i didn't think about paying her. you can rely on your mother at times, but you ask her to do things you can do yourself. the baby's fever was up to 40 degrees. the baby had to be admitted to the hospital. i couldn't go with two children. that's why i asked her to come. that's an acceptable situation.

but you lied saying the baby was hurt. you said there was blood everywhere, but the baby just pooped. i didn't lie. was it bloody stool? i was making baby food. i cut my finger on the blender. i had to hold the baby. i needed my mom. did you stand there bleeding until she came?

i had to show her. you didn't even get a band aid? i just had tissue wrapped around it. i had to show her why i called her. you called her because you really needed her? she applied a band aid? i didn't. do you know how many times she called the rescue line?

the rescue line? (isn't that too much?) she said her finger was cut off. i was really shocked. i told her to call the rescue line. i headed over there. the rescue squad was there. she just had a band aid on her finger. the rescue member couldn't believe it.

she does that. what did the rescue member say? i said my finger was cut off. he said it was alright. it was just a slight cut. if you want goldfish bread during a pregnancy, shouldn't you ask your husband? it's a concern for me. he doesn't help. he doesn't even do the dishes.

i do everything myself. when the younger child was admitted to the hospital, the older one had to go to daycare. i asked him to take care of that. the van comes at nine, but he slept until nine. i can't trust him. i can't ask him to buy things. i only ask my mom. what husband can't buy goldfish bread?

he works late a lot. he's never home when i want it. your wife is saying she keeps calling her mom because you don't help out. i'm always grateful she's there for my wife. it's not that i don't want to help. i work for an insurance company. i'm dispatched for emergency car service. i work late many times.

it's true i can't help out a lot at home. but i think she's using me as an excuse because she doesn't want to do it herself. she's a bit immature, right? she was worse before we got married. he's busy with his work. i know that. he could sleep if he's tired. but he's never tired enough to drink.

if he's playing a game on his cell phone, he reads to the baby while playing. i asked him to install a socket. it takes him two months to do something. - when you ask? / - yes. i get tired a lot. you play games. that just requires my finger, not my whole body.

(what's wrong with the both of them?) i wash up when i get home. i fall asleep, then go to work the next day. the both of them are the same. they're both being selfish. they're the same. the socket still wasn't installed? my dad came over and installed it. do you use your dad, too?

(the whole family has to help) does she call you often, too? not as much as my wife, but i go pretty often. you seem really mad. what does she ask you to do? if she asks him to fix the window screen, he puts it off. she gets irritated, so i fix it. why didn't you scold him? it's his work. i can't scold him for that.

i do it because he's busy. she's you're pretty daughter. it's not a concern for you, is it? she's my daughter, but we have our lives. she should live her own. she came over once. my wife was holding both babies and my daughter was eating and watching tv. it made me mad.

i yelled at her. i told her to hurry up and watch the babies so her mom could eat. what did she say? she had to eat quickly and watch the babies. it's still a pain. do you help out a lot at home? she calls her mom often. she has two siblings. i cooked for them several times.

i even do the laundry. is this true? yes, he helps a lot. he's good to me. i want to thank him right now. (father, your awesome) (it's the path this couple should take) the parents will come less if you help out. i'd like to help out a lot. but i can't put my work aside.

will you call less if he helps? it's different when he does it. what's different? your husband can watch the children. he can't! everyone is like that at first. he'll get used to it. we've been married for 4 years. he didn't get used to it.

they're both so immature. oh, dear. what if your daughter got married and she always called you for help? i'll help her. i know it's hard. i could do better than my mom. you won't be able to since you don't do anything now. what do you think, mother? i think i'll have to go again.

- for your granddaughter? / - yes. rest then. (stop torturing my wife) did you ever say no? i had an appointment for a breast cancer exam a year ago. she called me that morning saying the baby was sick and we should go to the hospital. i said i had to go to the hospital.

she said the baby was sick. she told me to come over there first. i ended up going. i told her it was a cancer exam. she didn't ask about the result. that's mean. weren't you curious? if the child wasn't dying… i would have gone with mom.

come outside. the both of you. it's so upsetting. i think she said something about it, but i wasn't in a situation to think about it. how sick was the baby? it was a cold. a cold? can't you take the baby to the hospital?

i have a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old. i can't take the both of them by myself. i took three children by myself. many moms bring two children with them. the son-in-law is mean, too. did you know she called when she had to go for a cancer exam? i didn't know about that. what do you think now that you know?

i'm very sorry. we have a family chat room. that's trendy. i made one. we should share things. but she's sly. when she calls me, she uses a private chat screen. so my son-in-law doesn't know many times. (polite in the family chat room)

(giving orders in the private chat room!) (it's mostly like this) you should send a reply in the family chat room. i can't do that every time. was there anything more upsetting? tell us everything. she might not know if you don't tell us. you must have been really upset. children don't know how parents feel.

i had an endometrial tumor 3 years ago. i received surgery. i had my ovary removed. i went through menopause due to a lack of hormones. she had her first child and wanted to come for postpartum care. i couldn't handle it. but she asked me to change the diaper

and prepare the baby's milk. she kept asking me. she knew you had surgery? she didn't ask about your condition? i don't remember her asking. i sent her home to try on her own. she came again saying she couldn't raise the baby on her own. you're the ones who got married!

did you know she was having a hard time? i had my first child and i was having a hard time, too. i wasn't in any mind to care about her. i'm sorry. you're still going to call her, right? what will you do if she's too sick to help? i never thought of that. she thinks her mom will always be healthy.

don't you think it will be hard for you? i don't think i could live without her. - really? / - yes. you're relying on her too much. being patient isn't a virtue. it's a good thing you came. tell us everything. don't go anymore. are you upset with your son-in-law, too? go to the dry sauna yourselves.

don't make me watch the babies. you call me when you go to the kids' cafã©. go by yourselves. don't call me. i'm asking you. you're not working then. i asked because i wanted her to go. then you should watch the babies. so she can enjoy the sauna. the babies don't come to me that much.

you should make them! what are they doing? we'll go by ourselves. i'll help on my days off. i want you to be healthy. install sockets and change lightbulbs quickly. don’t put it off. i don’t put it off. i just forget. you forget?

do it when your wife tells you. i think about doing it, but… come over here. come over here. come here! come on down. clench your teeth when you come. it must be really frustrating. write a note on the refrigerator or front door. but he doesn't do it.

he says he'll do it after watching tv. if i keep telling him, he doesn't want to do it. that's your problem. come on another show for that. this is mother's concern! father should come separately, too. (i'll be sure to) mother, say what you want to them. i'm going to a seminary.

when i graduate, i want to do things in my name, not in the name of a mom. i wish everyone would understand and help. say so precisely. tell her what you'll help with and tell her what she shouldn't ask. don't make me go to make appointments. you do that, too?

the hospital doesn't accept appointments by phone. i have to go in the morning. i go at eight before they open and wait. come here. come here. i tell her what time to go. going to the hospital with them is part of my life. just do it and you'll end up being a mom. that's how you become a mom. there are times i need my mom.

she should come when i need her. sure, but it's too often. the rescue team has to come when you have a slight cut. let's start with kyungrok. i wish the daughter would be independent, so mother can go on a trip before she gets older. (kyungrok's opinion : it's a concern!) so do i.

i think it's a concern. i'm going to be a parent soon. i make an effort to distinguish between a good parent and a nice parent. a good parent should be able to say no. a nice parent is like her. she says yes all the time because she's a mom. she'll be a nice mom, too. i'm worried. i wish you'd be a good mom.

that's good. okay. if you think it's a concern, stop. say something to mother. i didn't know it was so hard for you. thank you. keep helping me. (i give up)

come here. it's hard for me. you're my lifeline. i'll try to do things myself a bit. not a bit. a lot! okay, a lot. thank you. i love you. tell her when you'll call. i'll make a list when i get home. no goldfish bread. the last digit?

170? it's over 100. (it has to be over 170 to win) (who did the audience side with?) agh! (a new winner) (i didn't know she would win) it's a serious concern, mother. (hang in there, mother)

mother will take the winner's seat. the winner's husband was really happy. i thought it was a serious concern. mother's concern? i raise children, too. you're a concern, too. oh… thank you. (no wonder he won) 'lifetime enemy' is the new winner.

she already experience the bitterness of life at a young age. this is a concern from a girl. she learned too soon. hello, i'm a slender 14-year-old girl. we'll have to see about that. i'm facing the greatest crisis of my 14-year life. i'm being alienated. i received all my family's love before.

6 years ago, i got a younger sister. i was totally ignored since. i help my mom clean every weekend. i vacuum the master bedroom, the small room, my room and the living room. i mop the floor and wipe the doors. other moms would compliment that, right? but my mom… "what are you doing?"

"do well like your sister." "oh, you're so good. my baby." "yubin! wipe the drawers and desk, too!" "my baby, come and play with dad." i do all the cleaning. why do they only love my sister? i was getting used to it, but things got worse. a third sibling was born. "mom, dad, what are you doing?"

"stop it." "the baby has to sleep. be quiet!" that must be upsetting. is the life of the firstborn this tough? i got a perfect score on my math exam. she should be complimented. "you're a fool if you can't score 100 on math." "oh, my youngest son. how cute." my perfect score became trash.

mom, dad, i don't want to be ignored anymore. show me some love, too. it's really upsetting. i can't understand at all. i'm an only son. i'm still treated like a prince. kyungrok, what about you? i have a sister who is 7 years younger. i didn't like being alone. i begged for a sibling. it wasn't because you begged.

there's an age gap with my cousins, too. if i played with the young ones, they scolded me for playing with babies. if i went to the older ones, they told me to play with the babies. that was a bit upsetting. she said she's ignored. let's meet her and find out more. (who is ignored because of her siblings?)

help her. (mun yubin) welcome. she's really slender. true. she's slender. she must not be fed. say hello. introduce yourself. hello, i'm fourteen. i'm mun yubin.

(welcome) do you really think you're ignored? i'm discriminated because i'm the oldest. it's upsetting. when we eat fried chicken, if i eat three pieces, they tell me to stop eating. how old are your siblings? six and 10 months old. how much can a 10-month-old eat?

what's so upsetting? my mom calls me with my last name, too. when she calls my siblings, she says my baby, juhyeon and seongjin. she calls them with affection. i found out my name in middle school. my mom called my older sister yuja. she called my brother hwayang. she called me a wretch.

you wretch! that's so real. (that's how yeongja grew up) what about your dad? i say hello when he gets home. he ignores me. he just looks for my siblings. isn't it because they're little? it's too much.

i'm not good at math, but i got a perfect score. my mom thought everyone scored 100. she said i was a fool if i didn't. she thought everyone got a perfect score? i was a fool all my life. does she make you run errands? i take out the trash late at night. at 8 p.m. eight isn't that late. the sun sets early these days.

i tell her i'm scared to go out. she says nobody will abduct me. everything she says is upsetting. let's meet the mom and dad. hello, it's nice to meet you. i'm scared to take out the trash at night, too. it's dark and cats surprise me. don’t you think it's scary for her? as you can see, she's big.

- oh! / - she's slender! hold on. i'll completely hide her. (it's magic) can you see her? where did yubin go? (completely hidden) yubin, come here. let me see your leg. she's big?

she's really thin. she's thinner than me. this is big? you're right. she's a bit small. she's small. dad could take out the trash. it's night. she promised to do it. it's for her to take responsibility. you're in charge of the trash?

i just found out a few days ago. she found out a few days ago. (shocking news she just found out recently) i'm suddenly curious. don't you hug each other? my father didn't go to work unless i gave him a kiss until i was a senior in high school. that was a bit excessive. it was a serious concern.

your father didn't want to go to work. the second and third are little. they come and ask for hugs. when yubin says she's back, you tell her to stop it. as you can see, the siblings are prettier. she's big and it's a bit disgusting. (she's pretty) she wanted to have a sibling.

we made an effort for 8 years. can you have a baby if she begs? she's complaining now. it's upsetting. let me ask again. did you really have a baby because yubin begged? yes, she begged a lot. that's not why you had the baby. until she turned eight, she kept asking if we'd get her a puppy or give her a sibling.

we got her a jindo dog. the dog grew faster than her. we had to give her a sibling. you wanted a sibling. why? mom ignores me because of that. - you didn't expect this. / - no. i won 1st place in a writing competition. i received an award. my mom complained that the prize money was only $30.

you should have told her to complain to the school. you could have said something nice. too much praise will make her arrogant. it seems like you're trying to raise her strong. probably because she's the oldest child. she brought all her awards to be complimented. - the awards? / - yes, all the awards. what's this? that was the $30 award.

(the award that ended with criticism) the writing competition. good thinking, reading… she reads a lot. - drawing. / - do you draw well, too? (and this is…) an english award. there's an english award. award.

why are there so many? (where there that many?) the most loans? did you get a loan? reading. (i borrowed books) (these adults have no dreams) nice child award. nice child award ii!

season 2! nice child award iii! season 3! there should be iv. she received a lot. book report. she received so many. why are you so stingy? you're right. (compliment her a bit)

your mom says it's because you'll be arrogant. i'd do better if i was complimented. i'm thirsting for compliments. i think i'd do better if she complimented me. father, why don't you compliment her? i did when she received the english speech award. i said she did a good job. that one time? - what about the others? / - there are so many.

the school gives too many awards. nice child i, ii and iii. there are too many. don't receive any more awards. don't receive awards. do they compliment your siblings? if my sister just writes mom, dad, i love you, they say she writes well. they're different.

yubin keeps staring at the floor. the second daughter. she knows she's pretty. she does this. she's pretending not to hear us right now. there's going to be psychological changes. what does she think of you? she takes me lightly. she kicks me when we eat.

i tell her to stop, but my mom yells at me. this should be set straight. i'm scolded a lot. she said mom is her mom, not my mom. i really wanted to hit her. let's talk to the sister. hi. hi, juhyeon. say hello. you're pretty enough. say hello.

did you really say she's not her mom? why did you say that? she didn't listen to mom. she didn't listen to mom? do you listen well? do you think mom loves her more or you? seongjin. she's stressed, too. it's a concern for you, too!

(do you think i'm comfortable?) is that why you kicked her? she kicked me. she kicked you first? did you kick her first? that's how she is. she talks like that in front of adults, but glares at me. (when did i do that?)

nobody compliments you? there's one person. my grandmother. that's how you can endure. that's her. hello. hello, i'm yubin's grandmother. you heard what she said. can you see it's upsetting for her? yes, her mom is my daughter,

but she's really mean. you think so, too? (grandmother is the best) who do you think is the cutest? of the three? the youngest. the others are grown up. when she receives an award, nobody compliments her.

i give her allowance and say she did well. you must like your grandmother the most. mom and dad don't like me. at least one person likes me. do you like being complimented or getting allowance? getting allowance. (she knows) they're still little. things will be alright

when they grow up. probably, but mom's thinking of a fourth child. a fourth? the third will be concerned then. there was a family of twelve on tv. my mom asked my dad if they should have a fourth baby. i told her she couldn't. she said to stay out of adult business.

why did you say she couldn't? i'll be nothing then. nothing… she can't have a fourth baby just because she wants to. dad's will is important. dad, do you have plans for a fourth? no. it's a burden for me. it's a burden?

but i can't help it if she seduces me. she can seduce you? we can't see for ourselves. juhyeon. do you want another sibling? i don't want mom to go to the hospital. because she has to go to the hospital? she doesn't talk like that when you're alone? what expression does she make?

she looks like the woman who plays evil roles on a drama. mom isn't your mom. leave the house. - leave the house? / - yes. she won't know how it feels until your brother talks to her like that. leave the house. she's embarrassed about it. (i won't be deceived)

what do you do when your mom doesn't seem to understand you? it's embarrassing to tell her. i write a letter. but i can't tell if she read it. she doesn't reply. she tells me to study more in that time. how many letters did you write? about fifteen. why didn't you write her back?

they're mostly letters saying she won't lie or she'll keep her promise. but it doesn't last three days. you're mad because she doesn't keep her word. do you have the letters? do you still have them? i threw most of them away. i think there's one left. (i want to cry)

you have one letter left. can you show us? i think she brought one that i wrote. the one that's left. this is the one i wrote. to mom. it's me, yubin. i'm sorry about today. i wasn't going to. i'm sorry i keep fighting with my sister. i'll try not to upset you. i promise!

your daughter who doesn't listen. this is what mother wrote. from mom late at night. yubin, i don't express it well, but i love you. there isn't a child a parent doesn't love. it's just shown differently. you're not always adorable and that surprises me. let's smile a bit more from now on. mom who tries to love her oldest daughter.

that bothers me a bit. we think parents give unconditional love. it must be upsetting to hear that you have to try to love her. that's not what i meant. i meant i was making an effort not to lose my patience. you didn't keep all your promises at her age, did you?

i didn't tell obvious lies like her. that's what you think. let's ask mother. let's hear from her mother. how was she at this age? she rode her dad's motorcycle in high school. - she did? / - yes. it was a 250cc bike. she gave a ride to four others.

she never rode it before. she ran into a ditch. her intestines spilled out. she got stitches. she's really something. (she's really something) (a surprising past the daughter didn't know about) you admit you got into trouble? i guess so. yubin is a nice daughter. (an exemplary student)

what are you upset with your dad about? i wrote a letter to my mom. my dad read the first time. he got mad and he tore up the letter. i still remember that. that must have hurt. why did you tear up the letter? she said she was upset because mom was mean. she told mom to apologize.

i thought she was being rude. she would have been scolded more. she would get on a motorcycle. did you really write that? he's mistaken. i apologized for what i did. he didn't read it to the end. he only read the first line and got mad. the first line is the most important.

(use deductive structure from now on) talk more with your daughter. i try to, but yubin is all grown. she's not fully grown yet. (people will think she's 2m tall) (why do they keep saying i'm grown up?) what do you think you are to them? the oldest daughter who they're tired of. a parent can never get tired of a child.

the parents should do well, so she doesn't feel that way. you didn't express your love enough. you should tell her what she is to you. i was immature, but i raised you preciously. you're a pretty daughter who's like a friend. dad, what about you? i want to be nice, but i wasn't. i'm sorry. - you feel sorry? / - yes.

she's a precious daughter. compliment her. you must have wanted to compliment her. you didn't to raise her strong. you should compliment her. you're going through puberty, but you didn't lose your bright smile. you write well and received many awards. i'm proud of you each time. thank you. what about dad?

you wrote well and received a lot of awards. thanks to you, i'm on tv, too. you take good care of your siblings. you're the best! (emotional) how do you feel? this is the happiest moment in the 13 years of my life. (good)

there's a common saying. only people who were loved know how to love. that's right. yubin, tell your mom. i'm not an adult because i'm big. compliment me a lot and we should talk more. stop having babies. i want this family to be happy. say something to juhyeon, too.

juhyeon, i'm 8 years older. i was complimented a lot by mom. i can't leave the house. i'll live here until i go to a dorm. tell her she's your mom. she was my mom before she was yours. your mom is a second mom. (what?) don't say my mom, your mom. she's our mom.

our mom. okay. do you think it's a concern? i think it's definitely a concern. sohyun. hyeseong. it could ruin the relationship between the siblings. the parents should do well. even crown prince sado wanted to be complimented

as he was dying. compliment her a lot. crown prince sado was like that, too. okay. if you think it's a concern, - stop. / - okay. say something to your daughter. i heard your concern. i'll try to make an effort so you don't feel ignored. you'll tell me to stop. i love you, yubin. (a bright smile)

i wonder how many votes she got. show us! the last digit! is it over 100? (well?) that's a lot. she receives a prize worth $1,000. until the day korea has no more concerns, "hello counselor" is here to help.

("roco drama" / shin hyesung)

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