liposuction hong kong

liposuction hong kong

so the important thing is, when you lookat a beautiful lady and woman like this, you need to look, not only at the breastsas an organ, but you need to look at all her curves. you need to find that delicate balancebetween her biological features, her shoulders, her waist and her breasts. you need to be able to combine yourartistic feeling as a doctor with the intellectual capacity of the patient,understanding the process that she'll have. only then can you have perfect harmony.

so looking at this beautiful woman, if shecame to my office, i would say, "what are you doing here?".[smiling]because god created her to perfection. [smiling] and of course, that's why she'sa model. anyway, i'll do the measurements the wayi do them. so, the concept that i've developed isbased on "the golden ratio", and it's "the phi". i don't know how much you know about"the vitruvian man", by leonardo da vinci, but it's based on the same concept. so in a perfect body, there are perfectmeasurements. i can estimate that when i

measure her, she will probably be around19, 19 and 19, and the relationship between her umbilicus and her lower pole,will be 1.16 to 1. so let's measure. can you stand straight? so what i do is; i look at the triangle thatshe has, and in a perfect world, if we look at this, she will probably be 21, 21, 21.let's see, that's probably what she is. you see, she's "21". and that' s why i cantell, just by looking at her, that she's got beautiful features. let's see if sheâ´s 21, if i saw this rightfrom the beginning. so she's "20", well,

it's a little bit different, but still, she'sperfect. what i then look at is the curve and therelationship between the width and lower pole. and we have a "no-touch-zone" in thecenter of the breast. and from that "no-touch-zone" wemeasure, from the lateral aspect of that "no-touch-zone" to the anterioraxillar-line, and in her world, it's 12.5. and with those "12.5", i can chooseimplants varying from the measurements of 10 to 14, so i can really pick the perfectimplant. so if she didn't have this beautiful breast, i would be able to pick animplant that has more of that upper pole

volume, more lower pole volume andwidth, in order to create curves. and today, and understand this right,there is no other system that enables you to pick the perfect implant for the patient,and really customize for each and everyone. can i have the pen? so once again: this is harmony, andshe's already perfect, so in a perfect world, this would be the balance of herbreasts, having the relationship of width, which is basically the implant width.the relationship between nipple and lower curve, and relationship from here to here.and once we have those numbers, we

have perfection. but also part of this program, is thesurgery as such, and if the surgery is done in the right way, the patients will beable to go back to their social life and work within very few days. "xiã¨xiã¨", thank you very much. thank youeveryone! thank you very much!

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