chin liposuction

chin liposuction
can it give to over 65 person? after kybella,do we need surgery to remove skin sag? after kybella, do we need surgery to removeskin sag? thank you for your question! you submitted a question where you’re askingthat if you get kybella over the age of 65, will you need surgery to address the saggingskin. well, i think you’re definitely in the righttrack by asking this question. it’s very important to understand that new drugs ornew devices show up in the market and have this incredible promise of displacing surgery,that the principles of human anatomy, physiology and the issues of aging still always apply.
so how i’m educating my patients about kybella,the drug that supposed to reduce fat by literally dissolving it by injection is that if a personis a candidate for liposuction, in other words they have a little extra fat under the chinbut they have good skin tone, then if i were to suction out that area and the skin wouldretract upward, then they can potentially be a candidate for kybella. now my personalbias is that, although the data remains to be fully seen from many more people usingit, is that under the chin or submental fat, if you have a limited amount under the chin,well the surgical approach is not that different from getting an injection. it’s a littlebit of local anesthesia and approximately less than half an hour, you can get everythingdone. buy kybella does offer this opportunity
for people who want to try something that’snon-surgical which means people have to come back for injections over and over and it remainsto be seen on how consistent it will be. for someone who’s over 65, usually the skinis not that resilient. basically, you are dealing with the second aspect of facial aging.the first is being volume loss. that’s why people in their 40s can look better by havingvolume correction. so if you are losing bone, muscle, fat in the face, everything’s goingin and you add volume. when you are beyond that, there’s more descent. there’s sagging,loss of definition of the jawline, extra neck skin. for those patients, ultimately, theyneed some kind of a face lifting procedure. and so if you think it through, if you getkybella, then you’ll still have the sagging
skin and the overall look will probably benot much better. in fact it’s pretty much well known amongst cosmetic surgery colleaguesthat the wrong procedure for the patient can often make them look worse. so if someonefeels like they have too much skin under their chin and we’ve seen this many times, they’llget liposuctioned and then the patient is stuck which appears to be more excess skinand it’s because the volume added some contour and without that, the skin is just proper diagnosis and proper counseling is key. it’s always exciting, as i said before,that something comes out that has promise. being in practice for over 20 years, practicingin manhattan and long island, i’ve seen
a lot of things come and go whether it’sendermology, whether it’s thread lifts, whether it’s the many different thermaldevices which are more showing how ineffective they are. they can’t lift skin like a facelift.the principles of doing the right thing for the right reasons, for the right candidatewithstand the test of time. so it’s very important that you meet withqualified experienced cosmetic surgeons and discuss this new modality, this drug and seehow it fits for you in the context of your concerns. but if you are over 65, most likelyyou need some type of surgical procedure in that’s dependent on the presence of jowling,extra skin, platysmal bands and all the other factors that people get as we get older.
so i hope that was helpful, i wish you thebest of luck and thank you for your question!

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