body contouring liposuction

body contouring liposuction

from liposuction to butt lifts,it's almost impossible to keep up withall the cosmetic surgery trends. that's whydr. jerome edelstein is here to answer all our questionsbefore we get started. ladies, if you couldpick any procedure that you wouldwant to have done, what would it be? just one? just-- [laugh]i'm gonna see--

no. i have this thingright here i call it my cheech. other people call itback fat. i'd like to get thatsucked out. just whoo, right out. they call that a handle,love handles. cheech.cheech and chong. she wants her cheech out. i was actually going to getsomething done.

i was signed up, i had gonefor all the consultations and then backed outthe day before. what was it? oh, i don't want to say. come on? my mother was like,are you crazy? [laugh]you want to do what. no, no, no,'cause i got my cookies. now does that happen a lot,

people back outat the last minute, or--? i would say, a lot of peoplecome for a consultation. they get all the information, the ins and outs,risks and benefits. and then, you know,some people make up their minds, say, you know what?it's not for me. okay. yeah. let's start with girlsin their 20s.

dr. edelstein:yes. what's the most common procedureright now for those young things who really should just be happywith everything? [laugh] so, in the 20s... probably body workis the most common. really? so, breast implants. and liposuction.

you do see an interestin facial structural work. so for example, nose jobsor chin and cheek implants. well, i'm surewhen someone like ashlee simpsongets a nose job, girls probably come and say,i want her nose. does that happen a lot? i think that it definitelyincreases their awareness. i think ashlee simpson actually did a good jobwith her nose.

she looks amazing now. i thought that was a nice job. she may have actually also hadsomething done on her chin. oh. but we're not...allegedly. allegedly. i remember you saying that, yes. of course, for ashley, yes. what about peoplein their 30s,

what do they usually get done? so in the 30s, i usually seea second spike in women who are interested inbreast implants and tummy tucks. and they're lookingto correct changes that they gotfrom having children. and breast feeding. well, speaking of that,i have had a child and i have some, a littlesomething something on this. i've got a lot of extrasort of fat, rubbery stuff,

but a lot of stretch marks. yes. from having 69 pounds of baby. he didn't come out 69 pounds,just so you know. he was less than that. i'm amazed. what can i do? what could you do to fix this?do something. quick, quick.can you do that?

most commonly what i seeis after having kids, especially if youhad somebody who's, you were a 69-poundweight gain. yeah, i was on bed yes, that's my excuse. a lot of timesyou'll need a combination of basicallyremoving excess skin and the stretch marks usuallycomes with it in a tummy tuck. now, if you don't havea lot of extra skin, there's other technologiesyou can use

to deal with stretch marks. but i would saythat that's probably one of the biggest areaswhere nothing is great. right.kind of that area. we have a pictureof a tummy tuck, so let's take a look at that. before and after. a little before and after. here we go.

oh my, heavens to betsy. that's dramatic. so the top is the-- dr. edelstein: the picturesacross the top is before. and that's a woman who losta fair amount of weight, i think she lostabout 100 pounds. mm-hm. wow. dr. edelstein:and the after

are the pictureson the bottom there. and that's,it's reasonably early, it's about six weeks tothree months after the surgery. so you can still see theincision at the bottom there, it's a little bit red. but, you know,that is kind of the trade off for that procedure. it's quite dramatic. how, how does the pain compareto let's say, a c-section,

'cause i had that. so how bad is the painfrom a tummy tuck? i think that the painfrom a tummy tuck is probably less thanthe pain for a c-section. oh, that's a breeze then. while we usually dosome muscle tightening when we do a tummy tuck,we're not usually cutting muscle like they do with a c-section. so, it's usually not as bad.

now i was toldif you're gonna lose weight. i've seen some of the people are going througha dramatic change. that you should losethe weight first and then go infor the tummy tuck, because if you dothe tummy tuck first and then you lose the weight,you kind of defeat the purpose. dr. edelstein:she's knowledgeable. okay. she knows,she does her homework.

dr. edelstein:that's true. when it comes tobody contouring, so, for example,tummy tucks, liposuction, you get the best results if you can get to the leastweight on your own, first. you know,the way i look at it is a lot of the firstfive or ten pounds that you lose on your own, that's sort ofthe easy stuff to lose,

and what's left behind is the more resistant fator resistant folds, and that's where i come in. i'll deal with those. so, let's talk aboutliposuction. we have a little picture ofbefore and after of liposuction. explain to uswhat liposuction is? holy mother of pearl.that's a change, isn't it? dr. edelstein: so liposuctionis an extremely popular

cosmetic plastic surgeryprocedure where we use an instrumentessentially called a cannula to vacuum away the fat. i mean, that's basicallywhat we're doing. right. dr. edelstein: and-- this is the cannula? this is a cannula. this is an actual cannulathat i use.

and the beauty of liposuctionis that you only require very tiny little nicksin the skin. you can barely see themafterwards, because you just need to getthe tip of the cannula in. okay? so that goes in your,in your-- that goes in. if you imagine,this goes into your body. this would go in right here. that would go right back there. right there, yep.

these little holesat the end here remove the fat and it's sucked throughthe cannula out a tube and into the suction machine. that's got to hurt. yes? have you ever had it? [all laugh] i have pictures of myself. no. i have not had it. but just fromwhat patients tell me,

it is at the lower endof soreness after surgery, it's not that sore. so, usually how longdoes it take you to recover from the surgery? dr. edelstein: typically,what i'll tell people is, if your job is notvery strenuous, not physical, a week at the mostwould be enough. okay, off. if you're more physical,you've got to move things,

laboring,probably two weeks. and usually by two weeksafter the surgery, you can be backin the gym working out. another new trendis butt implants. so you can enhance your bootywith a little implant. oh my gosh. dr. edelstein: yes. well, i have,just to let people know, i have enough booty to spareif anybody needs some.

[laugh]how does that work? well, i thinkthat part of that trend is being drivenby certain celebrities. not saying that they have had, but it's justtheir appearance, like beyonce, jennifer-- jennifer lopez. yeah.jennifer lopez, the impressive gluteal area,if you will.

and there's two optionsfor butt augmentation, okay. you can either use an implant. we actually putan implant in there, similar to breast implants. or you can dofat transplantation. you can actually take fatfrom somewhere else in your body and transplant itto your butt. wow. that's a good idea. just that idea oftrying to make my butt bigger,

i just can't wrapmy brain around it. well, i've seen j lo'sgluteal area in person and it is spectacular. it is spectacular. now you broughtsome examples of what you can putin your boobs. the implants. what kind of implantsare these? so, these are the latestand greatest--

yep. in silicone implants. they are just releasedon the market. there's a green lightfrom health canada. it is known asthe gummy bear implant. i was just going to say it kind of does feellike a gummy bear. it's not so gloopy. and the reason for that iswhen you cut into this--

it does not leak siliconeall over the place, like the old style. rather, it maintainsits shape. and the advantagesof these implants are, number one,versus a saline implant. look at the shapeof the implant, it's got that very natural-- like a breast. teardrop.

and number twoand most importantly, when you feel it-- it feels much more natural. it feels like a real breast. can you feel it? and i didn't know this, but you have to getyour implants redone every ten years or so,like they don't last a lifetime. in my experience,whatever implant we use--

i have generally been seeinga good 15 years out of those implants. now, saline implantscould go on longer than that, 20 years, 25 years. these implants probablyhave been used the longest in the worldin sweden and they're going onabout 15 years. so, for 15 years,everything's okay with them. what about nonsurgicalprocedures, like botox?

well, i guess we don't havea lot of time for that. but maybe you cando it to me some day and i'll put itin my "for later". dr. edelstein:absolutely. well, jack's, jack'sbeen itching for botox and we might getdr. edelstein back and actually doa little something there. i'd be very happy to do that. that would be excellent,but botox--

i love botox. i love botoxbecause it's effective. well, we can doa whole little segment another day all on botox. we'll have to bring you back. thank you, dr. edelstein,that was great-- no problem. and inspiring. when we come back,

design maven heather smileyis here. she's gonna tell us what to dowith those used bedsheets. apparently, you can makesomething else like, i don't know, a dress? [laugh]

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